Page 207 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 207
• Implement new performance measures and metrics centered on
customers. Metrics encourage customer-focused decisions. If
these metrics are linked with rewards, they can be a powerful
way to change behavior.
• Develop cooperation by changing the structure and approach
of specific teams. This can be challenging, and may include
changing reporting arrangements and revising processes so
that people closest to the customers are the ones making more
of the key decisions.
• Build cross-business skills and capabilities. Silo busting requires
generalists, people capable of operating across divisions. These
people should be developed and programs implemented to help
them gain and develop their cross-business expertise.
• Build relationships and connect with people. There is no substitute
for the “soft” skills of rapport, understanding, and trust.
Involvement, communication, and support are valuable ways to
build relationships, and these will help ensure success.