Page 241 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 241
Kim, Chan W.; Mauborgne, Renée (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy: How
to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant,
Harvard Business School Press.
Kotter, John P. (1996) Leading Change: An action plan from the world’s
foremost expert on business leadership, Harvard Business School
Lachenauer, R.; MacMillan, Ian C.; van Putten, Alexander B.;
Gunther McGrath, Rita; Stalk, George Jr. (2006) “Hardball
Strategies,” Harvard Business Review, September.
Marchand, Donald A.; Kettinger, William; Rollins, John D. (2001)
Making the Invisible Visible: How companies win with the right
information, people and IT, Wiley.
McGrath, Rita Gunther; MacMillan, Ian C. (2005) MarketBusters:
40 strategic moves that drive exceptional business growth, Harvard
Business School Press.
Moore, Geoffrey A. (1999) Inside the Tornado: Marketing strategies
from Silicon Valley’s cutting edge, HarperBusiness.
Sebenius, James K. (2001) “Six Habits of Merely Effective
Negotiators,” Harvard Business Review, April.
Senge, Peter (2006) The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the
learning organization, Broadway Books.
Stewart, Thomas A. (1998) Intellectual Capital: The new wealth of
organizations, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Warren, Kim (2002) Competitive Strategy Dynamics, Wiley.
Warren, Kim (2004) The Critical Path: Building strategic performance
through time, Vola Press.