Page 230 - 30 Minute Meals Recipes Includes Easy Dinner Recipes, Healthy Dinner Ideas and Simple Recipes That Can Be Made in 30 Minutes or Less for Busy Moms, Dads \& Other Professionals! -
P. 230

time management

•	 Marriage (85)
•	 Pregnancy (78)
•	 Retirement (68)
•	 Christmas (56)
•	 Addition of new family member (51)
•	 Vacation (43)

   Wait a minute! Aren’t those supposed to be the GOOD things
of life, the events we work toward and wait for?

   They are, but they’re also very stressful, making huge demands
of time and energy and requiring major adjustments.

   Consider Christmas. All those preparations, the staggering
expectations, the relentless requirement that you be happy! Most
of us simply add this huge load to our everyday cares and respon-
sibilities; life and work go on, Christmas or no. And just on the off
chance that things don’t go perfectly, you can add feelings of guilt,
inadequacy, and remorse to the list of burdens.

   Happy holidays!
   But what about vacation—that oasis of rest and relief we strug-
gle toward all year long?
   You take on additional roles as travel agent, tour guide, rec-
reation director, and master sergeant in charge of logistics. You
exhaust yourself preparing for the trip while also trying to catch
up and get ahead on your regular work. You leave familiar rou-
tines and surroundings behind for the unknown. So you’re already
hitting the top of the stress scale even before the first flat tire,
missed plane connection, or botched motel reservation.
   Are we there yet?

The Bozo Factor

The world is full of bozos, and you’re one of them. Don’t get
offended. I’m another one. We can’t help it. We just keep getting
in each other’s way.

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