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P. 143
Five Greatest Environments
for Producing Money Makers
A cynical look at the business world quickly reveals that some environments in which
businesses thrive are essentially a method of redirecting money derived from all
taxpayers into the pockets of a few. War Idea 72 is an inevitable and tragic generator
of wealth and prosperity as are most political attempts to engineer a better or fairer
society. Only the most fervent market forces promoter would deny that The Com-
mon Agricultural Policy Idea 68 of the European Union had as its aim the solution to
some real problems. These are faced by people working farms that are extraordinar-
ily disparate by size and nature. Despite their differences they are trying to compete
across national boundaries. Whole rafts of new questions are now being asked as the
burden of the CAP hurts taxpayers, and through them politicians, more and more.
But people make good, and sometimes easy, money out of it.
Religion too creates wealth on what some would say is a basic selling proposi-
tion of ‘Pay up or go to hell.’ For centuries the Roman Catholic Church Idea 71 has
built massive financial assets and other religions have done much the same. Religion
also has what the city types would call a double whammy effect. It generates wealth
in its own right, and generates more by being a major driver of wars.
Take-overs and junk bonds Idea 69 get a mixed press, and their desirability is
probably more questioned now than previously, but could we do without them?
But first we take the bête noire of the Eurosceptic.