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•124 The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time
Idea 68 – Never mind the quality, pay the farmer
There is an apocryphal tale of a man living in the centre of a large town in Kansas
who spotted a business opportunity. He planned to exploit the fact that farmers
were being paid by the state for the same number of hogs they raised and sold last
year, even though it suited everyone for them actually to cut down the number of
hogs they brought to market this year.
Our man wrote to the State legislature in the following terms. ‘I understand
that you are paying people not to raise hogs. It has always been a business of interest
to me, and I write to inform you that I intend starting a company not to raise hogs.
This year I aim to start in a modest way and not raise just 100 hogs. Next year
though I intend to build the business by at least double, and not raise 200 hogs.
Who knows, I may need hired help.’
The Common Agricultural Policy attempts to regularise three types of agriculture
present in the European Union. The first is the north-west plains. These are the most
advanced agricultural areas in the world. They adapt to technology quickly, have highly
trained producers and farmers and they possess significant capital. The second zone
divides into two. The advantaged parts of the Mediterranean area, where a
So go on. wide range of climatic conditions allows a reasonably high level of produc-
Decide what tion, economy and income, and the disadvantaged areas such as the high-
you do not lands, where the expenses of farming are much higher due to geographic and
want to grow or climatic conditions, and the difficulties faced in using machinery.
raise, write your In its attempts to regularise these areas the CAP spends some billions of
business plan pounds shoring up the incomes of agricultural workers in an environment
and claim your where technology and efficiency is steadily reducing the whole value of the
cheques. rural economy. The 6% of the working population who work on farms pro-
duce less than 3% of the GDP of the member states. This statistic may very
well change as new countries join the EU in the next few years. They are also starting
from farming economies and will need subsidies not to raise hogs just like everyone else.
So, go on. Decide what you do not want to grow or raise, write your business
plan and claim your cheques.