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Six Greatest Truths Your Independent
Financial Adviser Might Not Have Told You

Idea 77 – Why are you in equities?

Building Societies are wonderful things – you give them the price of an       Building Socie-
overcoat and ten years later they give you back the price of a shirt. This     ties are won-
means that you are forced to hedge against inflation by having some of        derful things –
your savings and a lot of your pension fund in equities.                      you give them
                                                                              the price of an
Idea 78 – Knowing how your investment is doing                                overcoat and
                                                                              ten years later
Did your IFA tell you that the widespread belief that everything in business   they give you
can be reduced to financial measures and recorded in the accounts is a        back the price
myth fostered to continue to create work for accountants?
                                                                                  of a shirt.

Idea 79 – Old but proud

Personal pensions are sold as essential vehicles for protecting your old age. In fact
the combination of management charges, investment performance and scandalous
annuity contracts means that most do not do this. Since despite saving thousands in
such schemes you still live out your old age in poverty, the only benefit of personal
pensions is that they give you the smug feeling that at least you tried.
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