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•20 The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time
A good bumper sticker strategy holds up well against these questions:
1 Does it show a clear differentiator from the competition?
2 Does it promise something of value to not only the shareholders and employees
of the business, but also to existing and potential customers? Can I as a cus-
tomer see what is in it for me?
3 Is it a slogan or a strategy? Do the core competencies of the business underpin
the strategy?
4 Is the business organised in a distinctive way to give it the best chance of carry-
ing out the strategy?
5 Is everyone in the business committed to it?
A bumper This last one may be impossible. A bumper strategy that sets the hearts of
strategy that Board members racing may not work when applied to the storekeeper in a
sets the hearts remote location in the western Highlands. This is why many companies
have a bumper sticker strategy that they publish to the world, while en-
of Board couraging managers to adapt it to a local requirement.
racing may not Here are some bumper sticker strategies which are well on the way to
work when meeting all these criteria.
applied to the
storekeeper in Idea 10 – 3M
a remote
location in the Innovation working for you.
Idea 11 – BMW
The ultimate driving machine.