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P. 69
•Five Greatest Ways of Getting the Order 49
‘This is a risk-free offer. If you choose not to continue, the four weeks are yours to
keep free of charge.’ You mean there was a risk they might have asked for their old
newspapers back?
Idea 31 – The cup of coffee close
Many decisions in business are taken by a group of people, a committee or a board
for example, and many a sale has been lost because the seller is unaware of the cup
of coffee close.
The manager has made his pitch, or the salesperson his final presentation to a
group of decision-making managers. It is the easiest thing in the world for the chair-
man to thank the speaker for making the case so well, and say that the managers will
give it serious thought and discussion. The meeting ends with no decision because
the chairman actually does want to hear everyone’s views before a decision is con-
firmed. If they decide against, they can tell the salesperson by phone or by letter,
always easier than face to face.
Pre-empt the situation with the cup of coffee close. If it feels good and the
vibrations are positive, offer to leave the group on its own for ten minutes. ‘Look it
must be difficult for you to make a decision while I am here, I’ll go and have a cup
of coffee while you have a chat. I’ll pop back in a few minutes.’ Either they are going
to agree to your suggestion, a buying sign, tell you it is not necessary for you to go,
another buying sign, or they are going to say that it is not necessary for you to return
and that they will get back to you in due course, probably a warning signal.
It’s quite fun if they agree to your returning in a few minutes. If when you
return everyone looks at you, you have got the order. If only the Chairman is look-
ing at you and some people are having their own quiet discussion you can be sure
you have more work to do or that you have lost.