Page 41 - 2022 MCC Classic Championship Issue
P. 41


                                                                      ia Cr
                                                                           appie Club

                                                             Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                 Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer
            The 2021-2022                                                              through 3rd par-
        season is in the                                                               ty apps (PayPal
        books, and what a                                                              & Cash App). We
        season it was. Mag-                                                            apologize for the
        nolia Crappie Club                                                             inconvenience.
        continues to pro-                                                                   We are includ-
        duce some fantastic                                                            ing our club rules
        anglers. Congrat-                                                              in this issue; please
        ulations to all who                                                            read them carefully
        fished this season,                                                            so there will be no
        and we look forward                                                            misunderstanding
        to seeing you in the                                                           of how we oper-
        upcoming season.                                                               ate.
            Let’s make this                                                                 I hope everyone
        season our best                                                                has a great and
        ever!                                                                          safe summer!!!!
            All entry fees must be paid by                         Paula
        cash or check this coming season.
        We no longer accept entry fees

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