Page 28 - 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue
P. 28
Magnol ia Cr appie Club Adv entur es Magazine
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
The 20-Year Battery System - No More Battery Issues
by Bernard Williams, Freelance Outdoor Writer
Every crappie well, livescope, and all
fisherman looks accessories. They come
for an edge or ad- with a connected 12v
vantage regarding inverter, allowing you to
their equipment. use 12 volts from a 24v
Well, anglers, I or 36v battery.
have the perfect The next feature is the
solution for your charger and Bluetooth
battery needs. It’s module. Michael refers
the ideal arrange- to this feature as a Bat-
ment. tery Management Sys-
The product is tem (BMS). The BMS is
a must-have for the industry’s best, pre-
today’s fishermen. vents charging and us-
It’s a Custom age overvoltage, checks
Lithium Battery to set temperature over
System designed amperage, and is pass-
by the Mad Sci- word protected. The
entist. My friend Bluetooth module is a
and MCC member Michael cell phone app that shows the
Sylvester have been in remaining amp hours, cell bal-
the electronics business ancing, total voltage, tempera-
for decades. He owned ture, and battery condition.
several cell phone repair They also sell Eagle Lithium
locations around central Batteries. Eagle Lithium comes
Mississippi. He’s studied in a case similar to other lithium
batteries for many years. batteries. They’re one-third the
This knowledge lead him weight, charge up to 5 times
to design his own custom faster, last up to 20 years, and
lithium battery system. are built with lifepo4-safe tech-
Custom Lithium Batter- nology.
ies (CLB) are available in The custom battery system is
12v, 24v, or 36v packages. my choice; this battery replaced
Each of the voltage sizes six lead-acid batteries and
is available in 50ah and reduced the weight by approx-
100ah. One ampere hour imately 350 pounds. It allows
is the rating indicating me to get on plane quicker and
how much amperage a increases boat speed. My troll-
battery current can pro- ing motor runs faster, and I can
vide for one hour. monitor my power with the cell phone app.
The best part about these lithium batteries is The app comes in android or iPhone options.
that they can handle your trolling motor, live Continued..........
28 - MCC Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue