Page 29 - 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue
P. 29
appie Club
ia Cr
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
Breaking news, CLB is now offering an Eagle also be recharged in about 3 to 4 hours.
Lithium 280-ah battery. I must mention that you
They come in a group cannot use these batteries
31 case paired with a as a cranking batteries.
Smart BMS with tem- However, CLB does offer
perature protection and a cranking battery called
Bluetooth meters. Call the KRANKENSTEIN. It’s
the Mad Scientist at a 170-ah lithium crank-
601-260-0720. ing battery. It’s the most
Call their office if you powerful capacity lithi-
have any issues or um-cranking battery avail-
problems, and some- able. So now, you don’t
one will always answer. have to move any of your
They have resellers all accessories off the start-
over the state. The bat- ing battery.
teries will be replaced The CL Batteries can be
much sooner than used in Golf Carts, rang-
other company batter- ers, and other off-road
ies that you must send electric vehicles. It reduc-
back to the distributor. es weight and gives you
Michael has met anglers at the boat ramp with more speed and durability.
replacements. Calling and getting a fluent Mike has several distributors in north and
English-speaking person on the other line is central Mississippi,
with more coming
True story, Don soon. PTG Outdoors
and I hit a stump in Grenada, MS, RJ’s
on Barnett the oth- in Flowood, MS, plus
er day. It caused he sells them directly
us to spin a pro- from his shop. Give
pellor. We had to Michael a call (at
troll 3 to 4 miles. 601-260-0720) or see
It was no problem; one of his distribu-
we set the trolling tors for a complete
motor on ten and installation. You will
took off. Our GPS not regret making the
showed us trolling switch; it took one po-
around 3.5mph in tential problem out of
a Ranger 520. the equation for me.
Custom Lithium Check out The Cus-
Batteries are one of the best investments an tom Lithium Batteries by the Mad Scientist’s
angler can make. I purchased 5 Optima Group Facebook Page,
31 batteries three years ago; they lasted, email: sales@ea-
about 24 to 26 months. Replacing them with, Eagle Lithium Batteries - 210
CLB by the Mad Scientist was a no-brainer. Not Willow Way, Flora, MS 39071.
only could I troll all day, but this battery could
29 - MCC Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Grenada Lake Spring Issue