Page 3 - 2023 Pre-Season Issue
P. 3

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                                                              Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                          MCC President - Scott Ryals
            Hello, Magnolia Crappie Club members and sponsors.    We completely re-wrapped our equipment trailer with
          I’m Scott Ryals, your newly elected President. I’m here as   new sponsor logo stickers. It should be available at our first
          a servant. I can promise                                                            tournament. We pur-
          you one thing; I will do                                                            chased traffic cones for

          my  best to grow this club                                                          our weigh-in line. Once
          even better. I want to                                                              your fish are checked
          thank all the past Presi-                                                           for dead/alive, you must

          dents for their dedication;                                                         proceed to the weigh-in
          I realize that we have the                                                          line between these

          best crappie club in the                                                            cones. Once you’re in
          country. I’ll do my part to                                                         line, you cannot return

          promote this club in any                                                            to your boat or vehicle.
          way possible.                                                                         I believe in trans-

            One of the first things                                                           parency; if you see

          I wanted to implement is                                                            something going wrong
          changing the membership                                                             or against the rules, say

          application to include                                                              something. We cannot
          occupation and company.                                                             read your minds. If
          I want to see members                                                               you have a complaint,

          doing business with                                                                 write it up and give it
          each other. I’m in the                                                              to me; make it short

          HVAC business, Climate                                                              and sweet. I want it in
          Masters, MS; if any of                                                              writing to be sure there

          our members or sponsors                                                             are no misunder-
          have HVAC needs, I will                                                             standings. If you see

          offer my services. I think                                                          someone breaking the
          that will be a win-win situation. I want any of you who   rules, please write it up and give it to me; I’ll ensure it gets

          have a business to do business with each other.        addressed.

            Our Board of Directors has okayed the implementation   As I write this, I’m getting ready to attend the MS Wild-
          of a new website. Our staff is working to make that a   life Extravaganza in Pearl, MS. If you have some free time,

          reality as soon as possible. Our new site will offer member   join us and help us promote the Magnolia Crappie Club.
          services, where you can advertise your guide business and   You all be safe, see you on the water.

          your other business.

                                3 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2022 Championship Issue
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