Page 4 - 2023 Pre-Season Issue
P. 4

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
         Magnol   ia Cr appie Club     Adv entur es   Magazine

                                  Paula Nowell - Secretary / Treasurer

             Our 2023 season is                                                      sorships from these Com-
        upon us; if you didn’t                                                       missions. Please give us
        know, it’s our 30th anni-                                                    accurate estimates on your
        versary. We’ve got to be                                                     expense forms. It would be
        doing something right to                                                     best to show every dollar
        last this long. Whatever                                                     you spend pre-fishing and
        it is, we need to keep                                                       post-fishing. It helps our
        doing it.                                                                    cause to show the eco-
             We made a few                                                           nomic impact we bring to
        adjustments; we’ll no                                                        town.
        longer accept PayPal or                                                          Don’t forget to bring
        CashApp payments. You                                                        your youth; we have door
        must fill out your ex-                                                       prizes for every tourna-
        pense forms before your                                                      ment. Academy Sports is
        fish can be weighed.                                                         our Youth Angler Sponsor.
        Our Tourism Commis-                                                          We’re looking for a Male/
        sions require us to submit Economic Impact  Female Sponsor.
        Statements after each tournament.                            Thank you for being so supportive, and
             The Tourism Commissions want to see                be blessed.
        what they’re getting for their investment in                 Paula
        our club. We receive over 60% of our spon-

                                4 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2022 Championship Issue
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