Page 48 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 48

Section 22.01(b)(2) expressly incorporates the       Hernandez’s testimony regarding Bolden’s
        definition of “dating relationship” found in         description of  Appellant as her “boyfriend.”
        Family Code Section 71.0021(b).  Id. §               While Officer Hernandez clarified on cross
        22.01(b)(2). Because the statute expressly           examination that Bolden did not make that
        incorporates this definition and it constitutes      statement during the admitted portion of his
        an element of the offense, it is part of the         body-camera video, he never wavered from his
        hypothetically-correct jury charge against           assertion that she did at some point tell him
        which the sufficiency of the evidence must be        Appellant was her boyfriend. Further, the
        measured.                                            admitted portion of Officer Hernandez’s body
                                                             camera did not capture his entire interaction
        Section 71.0021(b) states:                           with Bolden. In fact, the admitted portion of
        (b) For purposes of this title, “dating              the video ends when Officer Hernandez re-
        relationship” means a relationship                   entered the apartment for the purpose of
        between individuals who have or have had a           interviewing Bolden. Thus, we find, as Justice
        continuing relationship of a                         Christopher did, that based on these facts, the
        romantic or intimate nature. The existence of        jury was permitted to draw the reasonable
        such a relationship shall be                         inference that Bolden at some point told
        determined based on consideration of:                Officer Hernandez that  Appellant was her
        (1) the length of the relationship;                  boyfriend and that such statement was simply
        (2) the nature of the relationship; and              not included in the portion of the video that
        (3) the frequency and type of interaction            was played for the jury. To the extent that the
        between the persons                                  court of appeals believed this evidence to be
        involved in the relationship.                        conflicting or lacking in credibility, it was the
        TEX. FAM. CODE § 71.0021(b). Subsection (c)          jury’s “responsibility . . . fairly to resolve
        additionally provides that “[a] casual               conflicts in the testimony” and to evaluate
        acquaintanceship or ordinary fraternization in       Officer Hernandez’s credibility with respect to
        a business or social context does not                what Bolden told him.   Accordingly, by
        constitute a ‘dating relationship’ under             disregarding Officer Hernandez’s testimony,
        Subsection (b).”  § 71.0021(c).                      the lower court deviated from the appropriate
                                                             standard of review and thus erred.
        Having set forth the relevant statutory
        requirements, we now turn to an analysis of          After resolving that issue, we are still presented
        the evidence in this case to determine whether       with    the   question     of   whether     the
        it meets the statutory definition for establishing   totality of the evidence in the record showed
        a “dating relationship.”                             that Appellant and Bolden had “a continuing
                                                             relationship of a romantic or intimate nature”
        We, like Justice Christopher, conclude that the      as is required to establish a dating
        jury     could     have     rationally    found      relationship under the Family Code. See TEX.
        beyond a reasonable doubt that the                   FAM. CODE § 71.0021(b). We observe that the
        requirements of Family Code Section                  statute instructs that “the existence of such a
        71.0021(b) were satisfied here. At the outset,       relationship  shall be determined based on
        contrary to the court of appeals’ suggestion, it     consideration of: (1) the length of the
        was not irrational for the jury to credit Officer    relationship; (2) the nature of the relationship;

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