Page 46 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 46

Hernandez’s and EMT Black’s testimony stating        Hernandez stating that Bolden referred to
        that Bolden referred to  Appellant as her            Appellant as her boyfriend, as well
        boyfriend.  The court reasoned that the jury         as the circumstantial evidence showing that
        was “not permitted to disregard Officer              Appellant was found in Bolden’s bedroom. She
        Hernandez’s Later testimony [that he gave]           also noted that Officer Hernandez had
        after viewing the body-camera video . . . [in        provided Bolden with the family-violence
        which he admitted] that the complainant did          form, which “supports a logical inference that
        not identify appellant as her boyfriend[.]” Nor      [the victim] informed the officer that she and
        was the jury permitted to disregard Black’s          appellant were involved in a dating
        “admission during cross-examination that the         relationship.”   Regarding the plurality’s
        complainant did not tell her that appellant was      disregard of Officer Hernandez’s testimony
        her boyfriend.”     The court also noted that        based on the contents of the body-cam video,
        Bolden never referred to  Appellant as her           Justice Christopher noted that the plurality’s
        boyfriend during the portion of the body-            analysis “fails to recognize that the body cam
        camera video that had been played for the jury.      video did not capture the entire interaction”
        With respect to the State’s alternative argument     between Officer Hernandez and Bolden.
        that other circumstantial evidence could             Because the video ended while Hernandez
        support a finding of a dating relationship—i.e.,     was still in Bolden’s apartment documenting
        that Appellant was found in Bolden’s bedroom         her injuries, Justice Christopher reasoned that
        and that the two were alone in her                   “the jury could have reasonably concluded
        apartment— the court of appeals also rejected        that the complainant identified appellant as
        that argument, reasoning that “based on this         her boyfriend after the body cam had stopped
        evidence, a factfinder could do no more than         recording.” Similarly, with respect to the
        speculate on the existence of a dating               plurality’s disregard of EMT Black’s testimony,
        relationship[.]”   While the court found the         Justice Christopher noted that such reasoning
        evidence insufficient to support the existence       “flies in the face of our standard of review,
        of a dating relationship, it held that the           which provides that when there is a conflict in
        evidence was nevertheless sufficient to support      the evidence, we must presume that the jury
        all otherelements of assault, such that              resolved the conflict in favor of the verdict.”
        reformation of the judgment, rather than             Thus, Justice Christopher would have affirmed
        acquittal, was the proper remedy. Therefore,         Appellant’s conviction for felony assault.
        the court reversed  Appellant’s conviction for
        third degree felony assault and remanded the         II. Analysis
        case with instructions for the trial court to
        reform the judgment to reflect a conviction for      Agreeing in large part with Justice
        the lesser-included offense of misdemeanor           Christopher’s dissenting opinion, we reject the
        assault and to hold a new punishment hearing.        court of appeals’ conclusion that the evidence
        Justice Christopher dissented, opining that the      was insufficient to support the jury’s finding of
        record contained “ample evidence of a dating         a dating relationship between  Appellant and
        relationship” between Appellant and Bolden.          Bolden. Viewing the evidence in a light most
        In support, she cited the evidence that had          favorable to the verdict, and applying the plain
        been discounted by the plurality, namely, the        language of  Texas Family Code Section
        testimony from EMT Black and Officer                 71.0021(b), we find that the jury could have

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