Page 42 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 42

legally insufficient to show that Appellant was      Deputy Cisneros testified that the Cossacks
        one of the “members” who regularly or                were a nationwide criminal street gang known
        continuously engaged in criminal activity.           to engage in criminal activities, but he knew of
                                                             no criminal charges filed against Cossacks in
        The evidence is insufficient to prove that           the area. Appellant denied that the Cossacks
        Martin associated in the commission                  were a criminal street gang and denied that he
        of criminal activities by the Cossacks.  In          was aware of any criminal activity occurring
        assessing the legal sufficiency of the               within the gang. He also testified that he had
        evidence to support a criminal conviction, we        never been convicted of a felony or
        consider all the evidence in the light               misdemeanor, except traffic violations. At the
        most favorable to the verdict and determine          Twin Peaks restaurant shoot-out in Waco, he
        whether, based on that evidence and                  was arrested and charged with criminal
        reasonable inferences therefrom, a rational          organization, but the charges were later
        juror could have found the essential                 dismissed. Further, a later report from the
        elements of the crime beyond a reasonable            Waco Police Department revealed that police
        doubt. A reviewing court must “defer to the          ran a background check and did not find
        jury’s credibility and weight determinations         anything that would prohibit  Appellant from
        because the jury is the ‘sole judge’ of              legally possessing a handgun, and the Waco
        witnesses’ credibility and the weight to be          Police Department returned Appellant’s gun to
        given testimony.”                                    him.  According to the statutory analysis in
                                                             Flores, to be a “member,” an individual
        In some cases, sufficiency of the evidence also      “must be one of three or more persons with a
        turns on the meaning of the statute under            common identifying sign, symbol, or
        which the defendant has been prosecuted. In          identifiable leadership and must also
        other words, a reviewing court must perform a        continuously or regularly associate in the
        statutory analysis to determine the elements of      commission of criminal activities.” Here, the
        the offense before reviewing the evidence            court of appeals held that while the evidence
        presented.  Id. In this case, that statutory         presented at trial satisfied the first half
        analysis is provided above.                          of the inquiry, i.e., that Appellant was part of
                                                             the    Cossack     Motorcycle      Club,    the
        The State presented evidence at trial that           record lacked evidence of the second half, i.e.,
        Appellant     had     been     involved     with     a showing that he associated in the
        the Cossacks Motorcycle Club. Appellant said         commission of criminal activities.
        he was a member for four years.
        Appellant admitted to the arresting officer that     We agree with the court of appeals in holding
        he was a Cossack and was wearing “gang               that the evidence was insufficient to support
        attire” at the time of his arrest. Appellant had     Appellant’s conviction for unlawful carry by a
        previously been arrested with gang members           gang member beyond a reasonable doubt.
        for a gang-related offense.  Appellant was           There is no evidence in the record from which
        formerly a Sergeant-atArms and enforcer for          one may fairly infer that Appellant was aware
        the Dallas chapter of the Cossacks. He               of any criminal activities by the Cossacks.
        reported directly to the president of the chapter    Appellant’s mere presence at the Twin Peaks
        and served as the chapter president’s                shooting does not establish that appellant
        bodyguard.                                           continuously or regularly associated in the

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