Page 41 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 41

This absurd result is precisely what happened        criminal street gang. TEX. PENAL CODE §§
        in this case: Though not a criminal for purposes     46.02(a-1), 71.01.  According to the SPA, to
        of carrying a firearm, Appellant became one          prove the second portion of the offense—that
        simply by riding his motorcycle while wearing        the same individual is a member of a criminal
        his cut. This very fact scenario is what the court   street gang—the State need only show
        of appeals in Flores was trying to avoid in its      that the accused is listed in the statewide gang
        interpretation. The  Flores  court was clear         database, and it is not necessary prove
        that law enforcement may not arrest a person         that he has any knowledge of the commission
        under this section merely because they               of criminal activities of the organization. We
        recognize gang signs or symbols. Instead, law        disagree.  The Legislature must surely have
        enforcement must also determine whether the          intended that, to be a member of a criminal
        person is carrying a handgun in a                    street gang, the actor “must be one of three or
        vehicle and whether he or she continuously or        more persons with a common identifying sign,
        regularly associates in the commission               symbol, or identifiable leadership  and must
        of criminal activity.                                also continuously or regularly associate in the
                                                             commission of criminal activities.” Otherwise,
        Although the constitutionality of the statute is     the statute would attach a mens rea to nothing
        not challenged in this proceeding, we cannot         more than membership in an organization.
        ignore the unconstitutional implications of the      Membership alone does not make conduct
        SPA’s interpretation.                                criminal, and in fact, the First Amendment to
                                                             the United States Constitution specifically
        The  Flores  court recognized that without           protects the freedom of association.
        requiring    direct    participation    in   the
        organization’s criminal activity, the statute        The  Flores  court properly clarified what
        cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny. This       conduct      makes      an     individual      a
        is because an interpretation without                 member of a criminal street gang: individual
        direct participation requires neither criminal       participation in crime. This interpretation of
        mens rea  nor  actus reus  by the accused            section 46.02(a–1)(2)(C) does not prevent
        unlawful weapon carrier. Instead, it would           gang members from gathering to engage in any
        only require the accused to join an                  activities protected by the First Amendment. It
        association in which criminal activity occurs        does not deem a person to be a “member” of a
        regularly among three or more individuals—           criminal street gang simply by associating with
        even if the accused is unaware of such               a group that has three or more members who
        conduct. We have previously held that where          continuously or regularly associate in the
        otherwise innocent behavior becomes criminal         commission       of     criminal      activities.
        because of the circumstances under which it is       Therefore, it does not implicate the
        done, a culpable mental state is required as to      constitutional right to freedom of association
        those surrounding circumstances.                     or authorize state action based on the doctrine
                                                             of guilt by association.
        Applicable to the present case, a person
        commits unlawful carry if he “intentionally,         With this in mind, we now turn to the second
        knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his     part of the SPA’s argument that the court of
        person a handgun” while being a member of a          appeals erred in holding that the evidence is

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