Page 40 - TPA Journal September October 2022
P. 40
absurd results, such as the application of the language would lead to absurd consequences
term “criminal street gang” to members of the that the Legislature could not possibly have
Boy Scouts of America. intended or the plain language is ambiguous.
The Flores court did just that: it interpreted the
The Flores court disagreed and held that three statute in accordance with the plain meaning
or more persons meet the definition of a of its language and did so by following the
criminal street gang “only when they—in rules of statutory construction in analyzing the
addition to having a common identifying sign, term “member” and in applying a reasonable
a common identifying symbol, or an construction of the statute to the issues on
identifiable leadership—continuously or appeal. By reading the terms “member”
regularly associate in the commission of and “criminal street gang” together as opposed
criminal activities. The statute does not apply to separately, the court held that a
to three or more persons solely because they person is a “member” of a criminal street gang
have a common identifying sign or symbol.” only when he is “one of the three or
Flores argued that the court’s more persons who continuously or regularly
interpretation added language to the statute, associate in the commission of criminal
but the court disagreed and instead activities.”
insisted that its construction “gives the statute
its proper grammatical interpretation” The SPA asks this Court to read sections
and “gives effect to its plain language.” 46.02(a-1)(2)(C) and 71.01(d) differently from
the Flores court. Under the SPA’s interpretation
Second, the court analyzed the construction of of the statute, sections 46.02(a-1)(2)(C) and
the term “member.” The court determined that 71.01(d) only require that (1) the defendant
the term “member,” when read together with must be a member of the group, and (2) the
the definition of “criminal street gang,” group, among other things, must continuously
indicates that “a gang ‘member’ must be one of or regularly associate in the commission of
the three or more persons who continuously or crime. The SPA argues that the court of
regularly associate in the commission of appeals collapsed these two requirements into
criminal activities.” Therefore, a person is a one, requiring direct participation in
“member” of a criminal street gang the crime, contrary to the plain language of the
only when the gang member is “one of the statute. The SPA’s reading of the statute would
three or more persons who continuously allow for the conviction of a person
or regularly associate in the commission of who is unaware of the gang’s criminal
criminal activities” based on reading activities and who has not personally
both terms (“member” and “criminal street committed a crime or associated in the
gang”) together as opposed to separately. commission of a crime. In other words, a
broad interpretation of the term “member,” as
All statutory construction questions are the SPA posits, would trigger the
questions of law, so we review them culpability of an otherwise innocent person
de novo. When interpreting a statute, we look merely by joining or participating in an
to the literal text of the statute for its meaning. organization deemed to be a criminal street
We ordinarily give effect to that plain meaning gang with or without knowledge of that
unless application of the statute’s plain organization’s criminal activity.
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