Page 5 - TPA Journal July August 2022
P. 5

A Letter from the President

                                                    Mike Davis
                                                 TPA President

            It has been an honor to be part of Texas Police Association.  I look
            at the list of Past Presidents and the foundation that they shaped

            in the betterment of my chosen vocation and I am eager to
            continue the legacy set in 1895 as your 2022/2023 TPA President.
            I spoke with our Conference participants a few weeks ago and I
            mentioned that I greatly appreciate Past President Greg Minton for

            his leadership and mentorship through the 2021/2022 year.  I am
            aware that I have big shoes to fill and Chief Minton has been an
            outstanding leader as many before him have shown to be.  My

            goal is to continue the perpetual growth of our Association by
            creating opportunities that empower generations police
            practitioners to be known and respected as the authority of
            professional policing.

            My vision and theme for the 2022/2023 year is, “Shaping the

            Legacy of Our Noble Vocation with Purpose and Intent.”  In
            living this theme, I ask our membership to compel each other to
            pull together in challenging times, look out for one another, and
            seek to make things better in every way.  As members of TPA we

            can change purpose into intentional practice as model
            practitioners who inspire growth in others.  We often refer to each
            other as family and as such it is my vision to create a family that

            excels.  This year I am issuing a “call to action” for every member
            of TPA to recruit or sponsor good people to become members.  I
            wish to empower each member to inspire the betterment of our

        July - August 2022 • (512) 458-3140                          1
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