Page 27 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 27


                                      Thank you for your interest in Texas police Association training. Please know
                                      that we stand ready to provide your  agency with superior service with pride
                                      and professionalism. We are offering training statewide and offer multiple

                                      courses at your  city.  By offering courses at your location, we  can  minimize
                                      total cost of training for agencies.

                                      The Texas Police Association, organized in Fort Worth on March 6, 1895, is the
                                      oldest law enforcement organization of its type in the state. Represented in
                                      its membership are officers from municipal police departments, sheriff's
                                      departments, constable's offices, the Department of Public Safety, federal
                                      agencies, and others.

                                      We are "Dedicated to Improving the  Police Profession". Through training,
                                      exchange of information, and various recognition programs, the Association
                                      strives to upgrade the  efficiency and professional status of all Texas  law
                                      enforcement officers.

                                      TPA devotes a sizable amount of its resources to the sponsorship and support
                                      of law enforcement training and education. It is the vehicle through which
                                      many training programs are conducted each year. The programs cover a broad
                                      spectrum of  interest  and need and include training in  management,
                                      supervision, and a large variety of  specialized law enforcement skills. These
                                      training programs are made possible by the  careful expenditure of modest
                                      registration fees.

                                      As one of the sponsoring groups, TPA was influential in the adoption of the
                                      statute, which  created  the Texas Commission on Law  Enforcement Officer
                                      Standards and Education (TCLEOSE).

                                      The Texas Police Association is a tax-exempt organization  as described in
                                      Section 501(c)(3) of the federal income tax law.

                                                            DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND

                                         ·   Supervisor, Leadership, and Professional Development
                                         ·   Criminal Investigator
                                         ·   Officer Safety and Tactics
                                         ·   Executive Protection Services
                                         ·   Private Security
                                         ·   Corporate security
                                         ·   School Safety
                                         ·   Church Safety

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