Page 34 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 34

unreasonable searches and seizures were a person-    Therefore, a defendant seeking to suppress
        specific harm with a person-specific remedy. Not     evidence must show not only that the police
        just anyone could sue in trespass. Rather, the proper  committed an unreasonable search or seizure, but
        plaintiff was one who “ha[d] a property . . . in the  also that the search or seizure “infringed [a Fourth
        soil[] and actual possession by entry.”              Amendment] interest of the defendant” himself.
            All this history matters. It explains the Fourth    A defendant can establish this personalized
        Amendment’s requirement for specific warrants. It    interest in one of two ways. First, he may object to
        demarcates unreasonable searches and seizures.       the “physical intrusion of a constitutionally
        And it suggests the remedies for violations of       protected area” in which he has a property interest.
        Fourth  Amendment rights. Of course, the             And second, he may object to government action
        complexities of history sometimes leave room for     that violates a “reasonable expectation of privacy .
        debate in answering these questions. But one thing   . . in the place searched.”  Either way, the Fourth
        is beyond debate: the Fourth Amendment is not a      Amendment standing inquiry is both defendant-
        weapon that uninjured parties get to wield on        and place-specific: it requires that a  particular
        behalf of others. As with the common law that        defendant (the suppression movant) have a
        preceded it, the Fourth  Amendment protects          property or privacy interest in a particular place
        individuals’ security “in their persons,” “their . . .  (the area searched).
        houses,” “their . . . papers,” and “their . . . effects.”  Here, the parties agree that the Government
        It does not protect individuals’ security in the     conducted a search when it used the GPS
        property of someone else.                            coordinates from Verizon to locate Davis’s phone.
            Modern doctrine incorporates this history in the  But the district court held that Beaudion lacked
        requirement of Fourth  Amendment “standing.”         standing to challenge that search and denied his
        This “standing” concept ensures that those           suppression motion accordingly.     And we must
        invoking the Amendment can vindicate only their      “uphold the district court’s ruling to deny the
        personal security against unreasonable searches      suppression motion if there is any reasonable view
        and seizures. And it requires us to reject Beaudion’s  of the evidence to support it.”   To determine
        claim.                                               whether Beaudion has standing, we first identify
            According to the Supreme Court, the Fourth       the place that was searched. The warrant authorized
        Amendment sometimes carries a “judicially created    Officer Heckard to search
        remedy” that allows a defendant to suppress
        evidence obtained through an unreasonable search        GPS coordinates and registered owner
        or seizure.  But the so-called exclusionary rule does  information of cell phone number [XXX]-[XXX]-
        not operate vicariously. Rather, a criminal          0889. This is to include its location from current
        defendant seeking suppression must show that “his    date and time of August 15, 2017 at 0813 hours to
        own Fourth Amendment rights [were] infringed by      August 16, 2017 at 0000 hours. Cell phone number
        the search [or] seizure which he seeks to            [XXX]-[XXX]-0889 is activated through Verizon
        challenge.”                                          Wireless and is currently being used by Jessica
            Today we call this principle “Fourth             Nicole Davis.
        Amendment standing.”  Fourth  Amendment
        standing “is not a jurisdictional question.” It is
        instead “more properly subsumed under                   Thus, the Government sought and Judge
        substantive Fourth  Amendment doctrine,”             Jefferson granted sixteen hours of access to the

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