Page 12 - TPA Journal March - April 2018
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TPA Legal Representation Program

provided through partnership with

U.S. Law Shield


Effective September 1, 2017, TPA partnered with USLS to provide high demand and
affordable legal defense protection for law enforcement officers and their families. The
TPA is very excited about the opportunity to bring you, the members, an opportunity for
state-of-the-art law enforcement training and the comfort and security in knowing you,
your families, and your careers are safeguarded by outstanding legal defense coverage.

Unlike other associations, USLS attorneys are not contracted, provided, controlled, paid,
or employed by TPA. USLS attorneys work for their members, with the primary goal
being focused, comprehensive, and independent legal coverage for you, the member
and customer! USLS representatives do not concern themselves with rank or a
member s position in their Departments hierarchy, and they do not involve themselves
in Department politics; their individual customer is their mission and their objective is
providing you the best legal defense representation available.

The stable of USLS attorneys employed in Texas (66) are regarded as the finest gun law
and use-of-force legal experts in the state and arguably the nation! The attorneys are
thoroughly vetted by Judge Richard Carter (Ret), USLS Chief Law Enforcement
Counsel, and are well versed in the complicated laws involving the threat of and use of
force and deadly force in the highly litigious world of 21st century policing. We are
fortunate to have them as our partners, though we hope you will never have need for
their services.

In addition to their legal service plan, USLS offers a superb law enforcement training
curriculum, offering TCLOE certified courses in subjects ranging from Open Carry,
Emergency First Response to Active Shooter/Mass Casualty Incident, Use-of-Force,
Point of Contact Critical Wound Care, and Legislative Updates from the 85th Texas
Legislature, to name a few.
For more information on our special TPA discount pricing, please contact USLS sales
executive Selinda Rainey at (817) 692-4067 or

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