Page 6 - TPA Journal January - February 2019
P. 6

From the Desk of the

                                              Executive Director

                                                            Erwin Ballarta

                  Greetings and a wish for a safe new year!

        Dear members,

        It saddens me to see how the lives of officers have been politicized and minimized while families
        morn their loss.  Is it the digital age of social media that keep us informed immediately of another
        officer killed in the line of duty?  Any news of officers’ injuries or death is devastating. The impact
        it has on families and communities is traumatic. Whatever side or views anyone has, valuable lives
        are loss.

        As this week ends, seven police officers have been reported killed in the month of January.  Officer
        Down executive director and founder, Chris Cosgriff, said this is a 33% increase in line of duty
        deaths over the same period last year.  Felonious gunfire deaths are up 67% and as well as being
        struck by vehicles while outside of their patrol cars.

        In 2018 there were 148 Officer Line of Duty Deaths. This is a 12% increase over the 129 officers
        that died in the line of duty in 2017.  These numbers remind us that the job of an officer has
        inherent risks and dangers. These men and women serve understanding the dangers of their
        profession.  They do their job keeping our communities safe anyway.

        At TPA, we understand how important it is to support the law enforcement profession in helping
        keep our communities safe and economically viable.  Any deaths or injury to our officers is not
        acceptable.  We owe them a debt of gratitude.

        I ask for your prayers for all our first responders and public safety personnel.


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