Page 46 - TPA Journal January February 2022
P. 46

After reviewing the bill of lading, Agent Stauffiger  BPA Stauffiger: “Well, how much did you get it
        asked Nelson if he would step out of the truck. He   for?”
        was neither handcuffed nor formally placed under     Defendant: Inaudible.
        arrest. Agent Stauffiger told Nelson: “It looks like  BPA Stauffiger: “Did he already get your I.D.?”
        there’s bundles inside the trailer.” He asked Nelson  (pointing at BPA Cantu)
        for consent to search the trailer and told him that,  Defendant: Shakes head in apparent ‘no.’
        if he refused, a service canine would be requested.  BPA Stauffiger: “Is it in the truck? Or do you have
        Nelson refused,                                      it on
        and  Agent Stauffiger called for a service dog,      Defendant: “It’s on the dashboard.”
        which had to be brought from the checkpoint.2        BPA Stauffiger: “I notice a lot of the trailers get
        Agent Stauffiger informed Nelson that if the         registered out of like Oklahoma,
        service canine did not alert, Nelson would be free   Kentucky? Why is that? Is it just
        to go. While waiting approximately five to ten       cheaper?”
        minutes for the service canine to arrive, Agent      Defendant: “Yeah.”
        Stauffiger asked Nelson several questions. The       “But it’s still registered out of
        district court summarized the two-minute             Houston?”
        conversation based on the video recording from       “Yeah.”
        Agent Stauffiger’s body camera and the agent’s       BPA Stauffiger: “I notice a lot of the major
        recollections at the suppression hearing:            companies do
                                                             it out of Oklahoma. Maine is another big
        BPA Stauffiger: “How long you’ve been driving?”      one. Nebraska. It’s rare that ya get a
        Defendant: “Thirty-one years.”                       Texas-plated trailer.”
        BPA Stauffiger: “How about for this company?”        “Right.”
        Defendant: “I just recently purchased this truck.”
        BPA Stauffiger: “Is it registered to you?”           Within a few minutes, BPA Frederick Irizarry
        Defendant:“Yeah.”                                    arrived with the service canine. It alerted on the
        BPA Stauffiger: “How about the trailer, same         trailer, at which point the BPAs searched it and
        thing?”                                              found approximately 72 kilograms of marijuana,
        Defendant: Nods heads in an apparent ‘yes.’          packed in tightly wrapped bundles, consistent with
        BPA Stauffiger: “How long ago did you purchase       BPA Stauffiger’s assessment of the VACIS images.
        trailer?”                                            Nelson was charged with conspiracy to possess and
        Defendant: “About a year.”                           possession with intent to distribute 50 kilograms
        BPA Stauffiger: “Where did you get it from?”         or more of marijuana.3 He moved to suppress his
        Defendant: “Atlanta.”                                statements to Agent Stauffiger, contending that
        BPA Stauffiger: “Is that where you’re from           Stauffiger interrogated him without first giving
        originally?”                                         him Miranda warnings.
        Defendant: “Nah, I’m from Houston.”
        BPA Stauffiger: “Just got a better deal in Atlanta?”  At the suppression hearing, the Government called
        Defendant: “I saw it on Facebook. I jumped on it.”   Agent Stauffiger  as its only witness and submitted

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