Page 5 - TPA Journal January February 2022
P. 5

From           the

                                             Second Vice-President

                                                     Ben Urbanczyk

                 "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more
                                    and become more, you are a leader."
                                              John Quincy Adams

        My name is Ben Urbanczyk, and I am an                 After four years of college, and a semester of
        Assistant Chief in the Texas Highway Patrol           student teaching, I realized very quickly that
        Division of the Texas Department of Public            I had neither the patience nor the passion to
        Safety.  I have served the State of Texas for         be a public-school teacher.  So, I returned to
        over 35 years, moving up the ranks with duty          my comfort zone and the family’s farm.  But
        stations stretching from the Texas Panhandle          things were different.  Very different.  Now,
        to the Rio Grande Valley.  I began my career          instead of earning just enough money to fill
        as a  Trooper in Dalhart,  Texas before               up my car with gas (and maybe beer money),
        promoting to Sergeant in Center, Texas and            I was thrown headfirst into adulthood.   I had
        Hereford, Texas.  My career then took me to           to learn the business side of farming and try
        Amarillo,  Texas as a Lieutenant, and then            to earn enough to raise a family.  I was
        Captain in Bryan/College Station.  I was              dependent on the weather, grain and cattle
        promoted to Major and was assigned to                 prices, and the other multitudes of stresses
        Weslaco,  Texas and San  Antonio,  Texas,             involved in trying to make a living off the
        before assuming my current position as                land.
        Assistant Chief.
                                                              During this time, one of my best friends from
        That’s a very black and white and formal              High School joined DPS as a recruit in 1984.
        introduction.  So, who am I really?  Simply           When he completed the 18-week training, I
        put, I am a farm boy from Panhandle, Texas            helped him move to his first duty station in
        who would have never even dreamed of                  Canadian, Texas.  He told me crazy stories
        ending up as a police officer.  I was raised by       about all that he learned in the Academy, and
        my Grandparents (my Grandmother turns                 that it was such a wonderful experience, he
        102 years old in June 2022, and just renewed          would even do it all over again!  During the
        her driver license) on our family farm.  It was       next year after he became a  Trooper, he
        hard work from dawn to dusk, and as I got             would call me, and I would go ride with him
        older, I knew that I had to get out of there and      as he patrolled his area.   We chased
        try and do something different with my life.          speeders, arrested drunk drivers, and helped
        My career path in college was to be a High            motorists stranded on the highway.  He was
        School football coach and teach English.              so different from the guy I knew in High

        Jan.-Feb. 2022  • (512) 458-3140                          1
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