Page 6 - TPA Journal January February 2022
P. 6

School.  He carried himself with such                 You never really understand how your life
        confidence, and I saw the respect the citizens        experiences can prepare you for what lies
        gave him.                                             ahead.  I had been a farm kid for most of my
                                                              life, so long days and scorching heat were a
        Even though he constantly encouraged me to            “been there, done that” kind of thing.
        join, the thought of such a drastic change            Moving large sections of row water irrigation
        scared me to death.  Recently married and             pipe from one field to another more that
        my firstborn on the way, I wondered if I had          prepared me for the physical strength
        the courage to leave the farm.  But the draw          training.  The PT instructor shouting orders on
        to police work just kept nagging at me.  I            the dirt PT field didn’t hold a candle to my
        would see a black and white patrol car go by,         High School football coach’s demands
        and I could imagine myself driving it while           during two a day practices each August.  My
        wearing that distinctive  Texas  Tan uniform,         school classroom teachers that held me
        felt Stetson hat, polished cowboy boots, and          accountable academically, prepared me for
        a shiny Sam Brown duty belt.  And as clique           the almost overwhelming amount of
        as it sounds, I really did want to make a             classroom instruction that prepared me to be
        difference and help people.  But change is            State Trooper.  I was as ready as anyone could
        only accomplished by having the mental                be because I hadn’t got to there alone.  I had
        toughness to take that first step. I finally          numerous mentors that equipped me along
        called him and said that I wanted to apply to         the way to be successful with this challenge.
        be a State Trooper.  So, at 24 years old, I
        answered the call to serve the people of the          I graduated the DPS  Academy on October
        State of Texas.                                       10, 1986 and I had exactly two weeks to
                                                              pack my family and my belongings and
        After the long application process consisting         report to my first duty station.  While meeting
        of mounds of paperwork, an interview board,           my Field Training Officer for the first time, I
        a physical assessment, and a background               managed to knock his paperclip dispenser off
        check, I opened my mailbox one day and                his desk, spilling several hundred onto the
        received a letter from the Texas Department           floor.  Being perfectly honest, that’s not the
        of Public Safety stating that I had been              only thing I messed up as he tried to turn a
        accepted to the Academy beginning June 11,            farmer into a Trooper.  We eventually became
        1986. I reported to the training academy and          very close, and I was so fortunate to have
        was met immediately by a barrage of yelling,          such an outstanding trooper train me. He
        marching,     more     yelling,   and    more         taught me how to apply what I learned in the
        paperwork.  That first step of applying sure          academy to actual police work.  More
        seemed so much easier than the second step            importantly he taught me the importance of
        of doing it.  Doubt crept in and I immediately        volunteering in the community.  It was
        thought of home.  Why was I even here?  Can           mandatory that we stood along the track
        I last 18 weeks?  I can’t quit, I told myself         during home football games.  He talked
        over and over again……besides, my                      about how it was alright to be human and to
        hometown trooper that did my background               show emotion.  He emphasized repeatedly
        said if I did quit, that I better not even come       that I should treat everyone with respect and
        home!                                                 that if I was going to make it for the long

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