Page 44 - 2023 May June TPA Journal_Neat
P. 44

their self-admitted “murderers.”                    agree with the State’s argument calling for an
                                                            exception to the rule that applies in situations like
        The corpus delicti of a particular crime is simply  the one presented in this case. Accordingly, we
        “the fact that the crime in question has been       recognize a narrow exception to the strict
        committed by someone.”  It does not require proof   application of the corpus delicti rule when the
        that the specific defendant committed the criminal  evidence introduced at trial shows that the
        act, just that the crime itself occurred.  The corpus  confessed conduct was committed against a child
        delicti of indecency with a child is the occurrence  who was incapable of outcry and constituted a
        of a sexual touching of the child with the intent to  sexual offense that did not result in perceptible
        arouse or gratify the sexual desire of a person.    harm. In such a case, if the record reflects that the
                                                            confession itself is sufficiently corroborated, then
        We recently reaffirmed the general application of   reviewing courts will not be required to overturn a
        the rule in Texas after considering arguments in    conviction that is otherwise based upon legally
        favor of alternative corroboration requirements.  In  sufficient evidence due to a failure to satisfy the
        Miller v. State, we highlighted the importance of   corpus delicti rule.
        the policy behind the corpus delicti rule but also
        acknowledged the real possibility that the rule     We have long held that “in the establishment of the
        could “result in the exclusion of reliable          corpus delicti, the confessions are not to be
        confessions.”  We expressed concern that “when      excluded, but are to be taken in connection with the
        the case involves ‘the most vulnerable victims,     other facts and circumstances in evidence.”  For
        such as infants, young children, and the mentally   example, in Kugadt v. State, we upheld a murder
        infirm,’ the corpus delicti rule can be used to block  conviction in the face of a challenge to the
        convictions for real crimes that resulted in no     sufficiency of the corpus delicti.   Specifically, we
        verifiable injury.”  Ultimately, we adopted a       used the defendant’s statement to tie together other
        “closely related crime” exception to strike a       facts and circumstances surrounding the death of
        balance between stark public policy concerns and    his sister to satisfy the corpus delicti rule.  We
        the risk of diluting the rule to a nullity.   The   recognized that the confession, rather than being
        “closely related crime” exception applies when a    completely ignored, could be used to help analyze
        defendant confesses to multiple, closely-related    other available evidence—a concept that we have
        offenses, but the corpus delicti of only some of the  noted well over one hundred years later.
        offenses is shown.   With our adoption of the
        “closely related crime” exception, the corpus delicti  But the traditional “Kugadt Rule” is not an end run
        rule was reaffirmed, but we also recognized the     around the basic requirements of the corpus delicti
        Court’s ability to craft an exception to the rule   rule.   There still must be “proof of the corpus
        when public policy considerations outweigh          delicti, outside of the confession.”   This is
        concerns about undermining the efficacy of the rule  illustrated by recent elaborations of the corpus
        itself.                                             delicti rule that require “evidence independent of a
                                                            defendant’s extrajudicial confession show[ing] that
        In this case, Appellant argues that his convictions  the ‘essential nature’ of the charged crime was
        for indecency with a child should be overturned     committed by someone.”  Although a court can use
        because the corpus delicti rule requires some       the confession in its analysis, there must be some
        evidence of actual sexual touching, rather than     evidence outside of the confession that, standing
        evidence merely corroborating the  Appellant’s      alone or in conjunction with the confession,
        confessions. While we agree with Appellant that     provides proof “that the crime charged has been
        our precedent does not allow a confession alone to  committed by someone.”  Essentially, the Kugadt
        be used to establish the corpus delicti, we also    Rule simply allows a confession to “render

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