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sufficient circumstantial evidence that would be     Fredericson logic, in Kincaid v. State, a case of
        insufficient without it,” but it still requires “other  incest, the State proved the necessary element of
        facts and circumstances” outside of the confession.  intercourse with evidence that the niece had given
        In terms of sufficient facts and circumstances       birth.  This provided a circumstance, aside from the
        outside of the confession, we have historically      defendant’s confession, that the defendant had
        required something more compelling than the type     “carnally known his niece[.]”
        of non-confession facts presented in this case.  For
        example, in Cokeley v. State, the State charged the  Even though these are admittedly older cases, they
        defendant with the rape of a “mentally unsound”      are largely in line with our fairly recent handling
        woman.  To prove its case, the State introduced a    of the corpus delicti rule. For instance, in Salazar v.
        confession from the defendant admitting to having    State, we held that the corpus delicti rule simply
        intercourse with the victim, but the State could not  requires independent evidence of the “essential
        call the victim to testify because of her mental     nature” of the charged crime, and the corpus delicti
        condition.   We held that the non-confession         of aggravated sexual assault on a child was
        evidence was insufficient to corroborate the         satisfied by evidence that “someone had sexual
        confession or allow the corpus delicti to be proved  contact with [the victim’s] private part and that the
        with the aid of the confession.  We specifically     act was performed with criminal intent.”   This
        looked to evidence that the defendant was seen at    “essential nature” would still require some
        the victim’s home and walked away from officers      independent proof of the actual criminal conduct.
        when they approached to arrest him, but we           Here, even if we accept that  Appellant’s
        concluded that these circumstances were              confessions could be used in aid of establishing the
        insufficient in the absence of some proof of         corpus delicti, there was no independent evidence
        “intimacy that would show the fact of intercourse.”  of the criminal act for them to aid.  The State
        In doing so, we specifically cited to Kugadt for the  presented evidence that Appellant had opportunity
        “fairly recognized rule” that “the confession may    to commit the crime when he was watching the
        be used to aid in proving the corpus delicti, subject,  child without his wife. The State also presented
        however, to the above statement that it cannot of    evidence of  Appellant’s guilty conscience by
        itself prove the corpus delicti.”  We noted that     showing that Appellant was emotionally withdrawn
        “[u]nless there were facts and circumstances         after the weekend and that he was fasting as part of
        independent of the confession which showed the       some spiritual experience. But the State presented
        intercourse of appellant with [the victim], the      no independent evidence supportive of the sexual
        confession would not be sufficient.”                 touching itself. It couldn’t. By the State’s own
                                                             evidence, the victim of the assault could not relate
        In cases in which we did find sufficient facts of the  the circumstances of the offense. The assault was
        sexual act, apparent injury or a resulting pregnancy  described as “touching to the area” and “rubbing to
        helped satisfy the rule. For instance, in Fredericson  the area,” which did not result in any injury. The
        v. State, a case of rape, we held that, in the absence  State’s own medical witness noted that there would
        of testimony from the mentally ill victim, testimony  likely be no injury resulting from penetration
        that the victim was two or three months pregnant     because “this part of the body is very similar to the
        “indicates that some one had had carnal intercourse  cells on the inside of your cheek, and it heals very,
        with her” and “[t]his established that some one had  very fast.” While the State points to evidence of
        committed the offense upon her.”  While we also      opportunity and consciousness of guilt, these
        noted the defendant’s confession and cited to the    circumstances do not provide independent proof of
        Kugadt case, it was only in conjunction with the     the sexual contact.   That makes this case similar to
        independent evidence of carnal knowledge             Cokeley, in which there was no “intimacy that
        presented by the pregnancy.  Following the           would show the fact of intercourse,” even though

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