Page 5 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 5

Earning Community Trust is a Perpetual


        By Mike Davis, TPA Executive Board 3rd Vice President

                                                             leave so many to feel let down. We must first lis-
            Mike Davis is a SGT. Investigator at the         ten then respond, educate, and rebuild trust. Our
            Bexar County D.A.’s Office assigned to           response must be reflective of our oath. The rip-
                                                             ples impact our own families and many ask us
            the Mental Health Unit.  He is a retired
                                                             why it all happens or they question why we stay
            Patrol Commander and the 3rd Vice
                                                             in this profession. We must first listen then
            President on the TPA Executive Board.            respond and our response must be reflective of
            He is the founder of Archangel                   our oath.
            Professional Leadership
                                The words we swore to uphold are clearly out-
                                                             lined in the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. This
                                                             document spells out the expectations of our cho-
        Earning TRUST overall is a perpetual commitment.     sen vocation, our challenges, and most important-
        I have trained thousands of police officers across   ly our response to the community and our fami-
        two countries and I have met thousands of amaz-      lies.
        ing professionals whom I am proud to know. Not
        all of them wear the same uniforms as I do and       Many of you who have known me since I was a
        some of them are from other parts of the world. I    child know that I myself have been a victim of
        am honored to know them and I trust that they’re     crime and racism. The reflections I make on my
        on and off duty professionalism reflects our per-    own life lessons and what I have lived through are
        sonal and professional associations with each        constant reminders of my personal commitment to
        other.                                               perpetually reflect behaviors that earn trust in my
                                                             actions as a police officer, a mentor, and as a dad.
        There are some I don't know nor have ever met        I have the moral courage to speak up, take action,
        that also reflect the broken trust that tarnishes the  create community partnerships, and do what is
        badge of my chosen vocation. I can tell you that I   right and I am proud to say that I know thousands
        am ashamed of the representation of what these       of great men and women who do the same day in
        few people have done to a noble profession. They     and out. I am not ashamed of sharing the words I
        should be held equally accountable for their         swore to when I became a police officer and the
        actions. The actions of a few have a direct impact   words that I hold myself and the others around me
        on tens of thousands of amazing men and women        accountable for in our chosen vocation. Let us
        who collectively work to safeguard the communi-      stand together, constantly earn trust, have moral
        ties where they serve. Broken trust sends rippling   courage, and listen to, educate, mentor, and take
        waves that impact even the relationships we have     action with our community to hold ourselves and
        with our own friends, many of whom defend us         each other accountable in serving our ethical
        on social media. These incidents affect communi-     oath. The word “SERVIAM” is not just a word to
        ties across the world, some good people even join    me. It means “I will serve!” and that is my person-
        together to attack us as a call to action. This can  al commitment to earn, maintain, and mend trust

        Nov.-Dec. 2020  • (512) 458-3140                          1
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