Page 8 - November December 2020 TPA Journal
P. 8

Registration Fee: $845.00- TPA Member

                                          $895.00- Non-member

               Click Here to Register On-Line:  Register Here (Credit Card Fees Apply)

               Complete the form below and return it with payment

               Texas Police Association                    Return This Form To:    Texas Police Association
               Registration Form                                                         P. O. Box 4247, Austin, TX 78765
               Law Enforcement Leadership Conference                                Fax (512) 458-1799: (512) 458-3140

               TCOLE ID#             Last Name (Include Sr., Jr., Etc.)      First Name        Middle Initial

               Date of Birth (mo-day-yr)   Registrant’s Rank or Title      Classification:      [  ]  Peace Officer    [  ]  Corrections
                                                                                      [  ] Reserve Officer  [  ]  Elected Official
                                                                                                                                                             [  ]  Other

               Name of Law Enforcement Agency               Address                      City                   Zip

               Agency Telephone Number                                                                         E-mail address

               Return Confirmation & Receipt to:

               TPA Use Only:
               Date Confirmation Mailed/Faxed/E-Mailed:

               Paid:  $                     [   ] City/County/State Check  [   ] Personal Check  #

                              Am Express            Discover      MasterCard ___ Visa


               Card Number                                                      Expiration Date

               Security Code                Signature

                                       Credit Card fees will be passed along to the Registrant.

                                         Feel free to duplicate this form as may be needed.
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