Page 31 - TPA Journal November December 2023
P. 31

abuse of discretion “to apply an erroneous view of                     year period, benefits in
        the law.”                                                              excess   of    $10,000
                                                                               under a Federal pro-
                Hamilton raises many arguments for why                         gram involving a grant,
        his conviction was unlawful, but we need only                          contract, subsidy, loan,
        reach the first. The district court believed that §                    guarantee, or other
        666 criminalized mere gratuities and did not                           form of Federal assis-
        require a quid pro quo. Our court has not yet had                      tance. 18 U.S.C. §
        the opportunity to address this question. We con-                      666(a)–(b).
        clude that § 666 does, in fact, require a quo; a quid
        alone will not suffice. And the jury instruction that
        the district court gave did not convey that. Thus,
        Hamilton’s convictions must be vacated.

                Section 666 criminalizes bribery concern-           Section 666 grew out of a circuit split over
        ing programs receiving federal funds. It provides    another law. The general bribery statute, 18 U.S.C.
        in relevant part:                                    § 201, applied to “public official[s].” Percolation
                                                             of cases applying that statute led courts to a prob-
                          Whoever, if the circum-            lem: Does the term “public official” include state
                          stance described in sub-           and local officials?  The Supreme Court granted
                          section (b) of this sec-           certiorari in a case to resolve the split over this
                          tion exists— … (2) cor-            issue, but once it did, Congress enacted § 666 to
                          ruptly gives, offers, or           “extend federal bribery prohibitions to bribes
                          agrees to give anything            offered to state and local officials employed by
                          of value to any person,            agencies receiving federal funds,”
                          with intent to influence
                          or reward an agent of an                  Section 201 has two distinct subsections.
                          organization or of a               Subsection (b) covers bribery, which “requires a
                          [local government], or             showing that something of value was corruptly
                          any agency thereof, in             given, offered, or promised to a public official”
                          connection with any                with the intent “to influence any official act.”
                          business, transaction, or          Subsection (c) covers illegal gratuity, which
                          series of transactions of          “requires a showing that something of value was
                          such organization, gov-            given, offered, or promised to a public official”
                          ernment, or agency                 “for or because of any official act performed or to
                          involving anything of              be performed by such public official.”
                          value of $5,000 or                 When Congress passed and President Reagan
                          more; shall be fined               signed what would become 18 U.S.C. § 666, it had
                          under this title, impris-
                                                             only one subsection. It criminalized something
                          oned not more than 10
                                                             like what is in subsection (c), the illegal-gratuity
                          years, or both. (b) The            provision, with its “for or because of” language.
                          circumstance referred              Two years later, Congress changed that provision
                          to in subsection (a) of            by swapping out the “for or because of” language
                          this section is that the
                                                             for language like § 201(b), with its “intent to influ-
                          organization, govern-
                                                             ence” verbiage, and it added a requirement that the
                          ment,     or    agency             giving be done “corruptly.”
                          receives, in any one

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