Page 40 - TPA Journal March April 2023
P. 40

F. Jury Instructions                   substantial probability that Mr. Harris [could] be
                               …                             restored to competence to proceed legally in the
                                                             foreseeable future.”
        The judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
                                                             Harris returned to jail and awaited competency
        Sandoval v. State, Tex. Crim., No. AP 77,0981,       proceedings. The court held a hearing on October
        Dec. 7, 2022.                                        12, 2010 and agreed with the doctors that Harris
        ****************************************             was not competent. It therefore ordered
        *******************                                  Mississippi to pursue civil        commitment
                                                             proceedings in the chancery court. Importantly,
                                                             the court also ruled on Harris’s detention status:
                                                             He should be held “until the determination of said
        PRISONERS – COMMIT OR RELEASE                        civil proceedings.”\ But the civil commitment case
                                                             did not last long. On the same day the\ circuit
        Our prior opinion, Harris v. Clay Cnty., 40 F.4th    court removed Harris’s criminal case from its
        266, isWITHDRAWN and the following opinion           active docket (October\ 20, 2010), the chancery
        is SUBSTITUTED therefor:                             court dismissed the just-filed commitment\
                                                             proceeding for lack of jurisdiction.
        When a defendant is found incompetent to stand
        trial with no reasonable expectation of restored     It based that dismissal on the pendingcriminal
        competency, the state must either civilly commit     charges—yes, the charges that had just become
        the defendant or release him.   That simple          inactive—in the circuit court.  The circuit court
        commit-or-release rule was not followed in this      apparently never caught wind of the chancery
        case. Steven Harris was found incompetent to         court’s dismissal, sending Harris into legal limbo.
        stand trial, and his civil commitment proceeding     No one disputes that Harris remained in Clay
        was dismissed.  Yet Harris stayed in jail for six    County jail from that point forward. It is hard to
        more years.  This suit challenges his years-long     explain, then, what happened next. On October
        detention when there was no basis to hold him.       25, 2010, Sheriff Laddie Huffman and Deputy
        We consider whether his jailers are entitled to      Eddie Scott, the ones in charge of the jail, signed
        qualified immunity.                                  a “Diligence Declaration.”  The declaration
                                                             purportedly related to a separate indictment
        Harris was charged with murdering his father,        against Harris for assaulting a jailer while in
        shooting three law enforcement officers, shooting    custody.3 In that declaration, they said the
        into occupied vehicles, carjacking, and              following: “After diligent search and inquiry, [we]
        kidnapping. He pleaded not guilty in a Clay          have been unable to find the within named Steven
        County circuit court,  and the court ordered that he  J. Harris in [our] county.” It appears that they
        be held in custody without bail.                     submitted the declaration to the circuit court—
                                                             further misleading the circuit court that the civil
        While Harris was in custody, his counsel             commitment proceedings went according to plan.
        requested a mental evaluation to determine           Fast forward to 2012.  The district attorney
        Harris’s competency to face trial. Harris had a      prosecuting Harris’s case, Forrest Allgood, found
        long history of suffering from schizophrenia. The    out about the state court snafu. After putting the
        circuit court agreed to the evaluation and           pieces together, he went to Sheriff Huffman to
        transferred him to a hospital. There, there was “no  inquire about Harris’s confinement.  This time

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