Page 7 - NextGen - 2021 - Prayer and Fasting PRIMER 2
P. 7

easy, apathetic path that leads to nowhere .   “Death has climbed in through our windows

           and has entered our fortresses.” - Jeremiah 9:21

           We are fasting to ask God to “Give them a heart to Him and return  to Him”  – Jeremiah

           24:7; “For God to put His law in their minds and write it on their hearts”. – Jeremiah 31:33

           – “To be the generation  of those who seek Him, His face, the God of Jacob.” – Psalm –
           24:6 .

           Plain and simple  we are fasting  for a REVIVAL!!! Revival in our hearts, in our church  and
           in our community.


           NextGen 13-day Prayer and Fasting are divided into two sections.  The first section is from

           February 22-28 and the second is from March 1-6.  We will spend the first section as time

           of self-examination and reflection.   Whereas the last section is devoted wholly to praying
           for NextGen Church.

           On the first section, February 22-29,  you may fast from any CHOICE activity, food or pleas-
           ures that you may devote the time you give to them to prayer.  For example:  a favorite

           sport activity you do regularly or fasting  from anything with sugar in your diet or fasting
           from talking or  fasting from gadgets and electronic games.  These are just some examples

           and there ‘s a whole lot more.  Let the Lord lead you to what CHOICES you will give up for
           the week.  These activities are not necessarily bad nor evil but we choose to fast from

           them to deny our natural cravings and devote our time to spiritual matters such as extend-
           ed prayer time.

           The second section of our fast, March 1-6,  is fasting from a certain meal each day such as
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