Page 25 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 25

Design Technology: Product Design
A Level (AQA)
Head of Department:
Mr D Shaw
Teaching Staff:
Mr D Shaw
Ms A Prince-Iles
Designing and making is at the heart of this course. Over
the two years, students study historical, social, cultural,
environmental and economic influences on Design and
Technology and put their learning into practice by designing
and making products. They develop an understanding of what
it is like to be a designer and maker as well as gaining skills
useful for employment and/or higher education in this field.
The first year of the course is spent exploring materials and
processes through a largely project-based approach. Projects
for this include: silver jewellery, welding, casting, woodwork,
composites, 3D modelling and CAD/CAM.
Course Content
Paper 1: Technical
Principles (2hrs 30mins
– 30%)
Paper 2: Designing and
Making Principles (1hr
30mins – 20%)
Non-exam assessment
(single substantial design
and make task – 45 hours
– 50%)
In all lessons, students will
need to be able to offer a
high level of concentration
in order that new concepts
can be appreciated and
understood quickly as well
as permanently. Students
will need to be able to
work independently and
safely within the workshop
environment. Students
should understand that
class contact time must
be supported by their
commitment to consolidate
their own understanding in
their own private study time.
Future Pathway
A wide range of careers,
further education and
degree courses can be
studied within the Art,
Design, Architecture and
Engineering fields (to name
a few).
Key Skills
Sketching, Design,
Manufacturing, Workshop
Skills, Production, CNC and
Recommended Entry
Grade 6 or above in GCSE
Design Technology, Higher
Tier Maths GCSE and a
strong interest in the subject.

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