Page 27 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 27

Economics A Level (AQA)
Head of Department:
Mr E Reynolds
Teaching Staff:
Mr E Reynolds
Mr D Everett
Economics is the study of how the world works: how society
produces, distributes and consumes resources and wealth. It
tries to explain the reasons why we make and buy different
things, and also how the government manages and runs the
Course Content
The course consists of
two broad areas which
are studied in parallel
throughout the two years:
Paper 1 – Microeconomics:
The study of Markets,
Market Failure, Business
Economics, Income
distribution and
Government intervention
in markets. (Exam: 2hrs,
Paper 2 –
Macroeconomics: The
study of the workings of
the national economy,
Government Policies and
International Economics.
(Exam: 2hrs, 33.3%)
Paper 3 – Synoptic paper
drawing together material
from the entire course.
(Exam: 2hrs, 33.3%)
You will need to learn to
absorb information quickly
and write fluent and
persuasive English. You will
need to have the ability to
use and interpret graphs
and data. A good awareness
of current affairs will be
highly beneficial as your
examinations will be based
on real-life information.
Future Pathway
Economics is regarded by
universities and employers
as one of the most highly
regarded academic subjects.
It provides an excellent
background for degree
level study and careers in
Business & Management,
Finance & Accounting, Law
and Politics.
Key Skills
The most important skill is
the ability to take real-life
information in all forms and
apply economic theory to it.
Recommended Entry
Grade 6 at GCSE English
Language and Mathematics

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