Page 35 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 35

History A Level (AQA)
Head of Department:
Ms A Thomas
Teaching Staff:
Ms A Thomas
Miss E Priestley
Mr J Wilson
Mr J Gisby
Mr L Thornley
The AQA History A Level covers a study over time and a
study in depth. The study over time explores changes in
Russia from 1855 under the Tsars to the end of Khrushchev
in 1964. The depth study examines political, social, economic
and international developments in Britain from Churchill’s
return to office in 1951 to the end of the Blair years in 2007. The
coursework or NEA is on the British Empire.
Course Content
Component 1H: Tsarist and
Communist Russia, 1855-
1964.This has an exam of
2 hours 30 minutes with
secondary source analysis
and essays. This is worth 40%
of the A Level.
Component 2S: the Making
of Modern Britain, 1951-2007.
This has an exam of 2 hours
30 minutes with primary
source analysis and essays.
This is worth 40% of the
A Level.
The NEA ( Non-examined
assessment) is a piece of
coursework of 4000 words.
The topic we are studying is
the British Empire 1763-1918
and students can choose
the areas they wish to focus
their question on as long as
a period of over 100 years
and beginning before 1807 is
included. This is worth 20%
of the A Level.
Students who choose
History are expected to be
open-minded and engaged
learners, keen to develop
their study of the past in
new ways. They should be
comfortable with reading
independently and with
extended writing. We advise
students to have at least a 5
and preferably a 6 at GCSE
History and English to ensure
that they can access the
demands of the course.
Key Skills
The main examined skills
students develop include
understanding and making
critical use of primary and
secondary sources, essay
writing to put forward
and defend an opinion. In
addition, through discussion
based lessons students gain
confidence in expressing
themselves orally.
Future Pathway
On completion of the
History A Level students
can pursue many different
pathways, with degrees in
law, international relations
and of course history itself
being obvious next steps.
It is especially well suited
to anyone considering a
career in the civil service, the
law, education, uniformed
services, tourism and the
arts. It is an excellent non-
vocational qualification that
looks impressive on any
student’s CV as a traditional,
respected and academic
Recommended Entry
GCSE History (if studied)
preferably 6 and above and
English 5 and above.

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