Page 8 - Lockdown Literature Bk
P. 8

 Joey: “How you doin', and how's my sister doin'?”
Daniel: “She’s happy as ever.”
Joey: “Yeah, and it’s all thanks to you, my friend. So why ya stop by.”
Daniel: “Ugh, I know I’m in no place to ask this but if it’s possible by your leisure...”
Andrew (Narrating): “I had to intervene, he was pulling this earnest, vulnerable show that I had never seen in him before, I wasn’t very impressed, neither could I be asked to sit through it.”
Andrew: “Oh, for crying out loud, we need some of the money you steal from peoples’ shares.”
Joey suddenly completely changed, from the tall, chirpy man he once was, to a slow and frightening man like Frankenstein’s monster. He pulled down all of the blinds in the room and dimmed the lights.
Andrew (Narrating): At this point, I was starting to think that every human on earth had a mask, just to cover up their true, ugly side, is it just human nature or is it just the bad people that surround us?
Joey: “Why?”
Andrew: “We’re trying to save our airline from going under.”
Joey: “Why, it’s just a small business, you get your money back and split it two ways.”
Daniel: “No, this airline means a lot to Andrew and he would rather make sure it doesn’t go bankrupt. Come on, man you know you owe me a favour,” he said quietly.
Joey: “Fine, but if we are gonna make the amount of money you need you’ll have to freeze the Patriot Airlines bank account.”
Daniel: “But that’s illegal.”
Joey: “Anyways, I have a friend in Queens,” Joey started to pick up his coat.
Joey: “Come on, we’ll go meet him now.” They started to walk down the hallway of his office whilst they spoke. Daniel: “Tell us more about this guy.”
Joey: “Well, for starters he’s not actually so much of a friend, he’s more of a partner in my ‘business’.”
Andrew: “You mean stealing money from innocent people.”
Joey suddenly stops, he turns his head but kept his back to them, he had a big grin on his face.
Joey: “Correct,” he said proudly. “And plus he’s into that real illegal underground kinda stuff. He’s real elusive too.” Andrew: “So what makes this guy so elusive.”
Joey: “He hides in the corners of New York like a cockroach, whenever he is close to being discovered or gets some light shone on him, he’ll just scurry away back to a new dark hole where he hopes not to get caught.”
They finally arrived at Joey’s car.
Daniel: “’Gets some light shone on him’? What are you talking about, Joey.”
Joey: “It’s a metaphor, you jerk,” he said sharply as he furiously pulled open the car door.
They all got in the car and drove off.
Chapter 4: The Cockroach
Joey: “Here he is. Oh boys, before you go in, this guy is really on edge so approach him slowly.”
Andrew: “Jesus, he’s like some sort of feral animal.”
Suddenly a sharp staccato voice bounced around the alleyway.
Security intercom: “Hey, hey, you get the hell outta here, I don’t want you here. Are you FBI or from the church, I told you suckers last time that God isn’t real, now get outta here.”
Andrew: “I’ve heard enough.”
Security intercom: “Hey, what are you doing, step the hell away from that door or I will come out there and shoot you.”
Andrew breaks down the door with a pair of brass knuckles that he had on him and they make their way to the man’s apartment.
Andrew: “Which apartment is it.”
Joey: “Number 6 on the 4th floor.”
Andrew: “Got it, number 6.”
As Andrew was about to twist the knob of the door he noticed the sound of a loaded gun in the room. The door knob was suddenly shot off along with one of Andrew’s fingers.
Curry's gun was empty, Daniel and Joey ran past the shattered door to restrain Curry.
Curry: “AH, GET OFF OF ME!!”
Daniel: “Wow he really is like an animal. Wait where’s Andrew.”
Daniel was suddenly interrupted by a groaning noise.
Andrew: “Ugh, oh, oh my God, this guy just shot off MY GOD DAM FINGER!”
The room was awful, the bright blue paint had almost completely peeled off the walls leaving an ugly soaked brown colour, there was just mouldy Chinese and Indian food in old Tupperware boxes and cockroaches in the corners. Curry was panting fast like a dog. Joey turns his kind chirpy mode on again.
Joey: “Curry, Curry, Curry, it’s ok, we’re not yakuza, everything is fine, everything is fine.”

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