Page 19 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 19

Matilda Yurtsever
What do you study?
I study Geography, Biology and
Photography and I’m doing an
What do you like about teaching
at Seaford?
At my old school there was a
lot of pressure, and it was very
academically competitive – it
was not a nice atmosphere to be
in. I’m an academic student but
the teaching didn’t inspire me in
any way and that is why I wanted
to come to Seaford for the Sixth
Form. I met Mr Kimber, Head of
Geography, at the Sixth Form
Open Evening and he was really
interested in what I wanted to get
out of my Sixth Form subjects.
The conversation was about
what Seaford could do for me
rather than what I could do for
the school. He’s been a fantastic
teacher and mentor along with
Dr Richardson for Science. This
may sound odd but the lessons
don’t feel like you’re in school
because they are really interesting
and they make you think beyond
the curriculum. I have gained
more skills than I ever thought I
would coming here and I know
now that I have the skills I need to
study independently at university.
My brother joined Seaford after he
saw how happy I was here.

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