Page 47 - Seaford Sixth Forms Option 2025 Entry
P. 47

Lily Murdoch
What do you do in your
As well as academics, charity
work is my passion. I love taking
part in Seaford’s Charity Council.
In January, I went to Limpopo in
South Africa with Brighter Start
to tutor students alongside my
studies at Seaford. I was inspired
by the incredible intelligent
students that I taught and how
they were so grateful for what
they had. We take clean water
for granted but in South Africa
it’s seen as a blessing, it was very
humbling, and it inspired me to
want to set up an educational
charity in South Africa and
I believe PSHE isn’t taught well
around the world, young people
need to learn how to stay healthy
and to know their rights. An area
of focus would be women’s rights.
I’d like to help educate and inspire
young women around the world
to have the strength to fulfil their
I believe all women can do what
they want, and a man has no right
to tell them what they can and
can’t do.
What is it that inspires you?
The idea of knowing as much as
I can, and I like helping people.
My parents inspire me, my dad
takes everything in his stride and
has helped me believe I can do
anything I want to do. My mum
is incredibly empathetic and this
has rubbed off on me. I think you
should live your life to make other
people smile and feel happy.
Ella Mitchell
What clubs and activities
do you do?
Music is my passion and I also
love sport. I discovered my love
of music at Seaford which led
to my music scholarship in Year
9. I am a singer, clarinetist and
pianist. I take singing and piano
peripatetic lessons, I’m grade
eight for both. I am in both the
choir and the orchestra. I do
the scholars’ concerts and love
Seafordstock, Seaford’s annual
rock, pop, funk and soul concert,
it’s so much fun. I just immerse
myself in all the musical culture at
school because I absolutely love
it. When I’m stressed with my A
Levels, I go into a practice room
and play the piano.
For my EPQ I’m doing an
artefact and recording an album
and linking it to my history for
university. I’m looking at historical
events and how music has
shown emotion through them;
for instance, you look at the civil
rights movements in the 1960s,
in America, and look at the songs
that they wrote around that.
Same with apartheid and how the
emotions are reflected through
the music. The album I’m writing
will reflect my own emotional
history, I’m really excited by the
I love hockey and netball. My
sports are also an outlet, it’s great
for clearing your head. Hitting the
ball, getting the goal, it’s like an
adrenaline rush. You can’t think of
anything else; I love that so much.
I play in teams outside of school
and I also enjoy using the gym at
the Johnson Centre.
George Gibbens
What do you do beyond the
Rugby is my main passion and
sport; I play inside and outside
of school. I like the culture here
with sport and enjoy being in
the first team squad. I find it
helps me relax after studying
and energises me for lessons. We
have timetabled sport in the Sixth
Form which means I know I will
always get to do sport during the
week. The coaches and facilities
are amazing, I feel very lucky to be
What is being in the first
team like?
I aspired to be in the 1st team, it
was my main goal and I achieved
it. I had to work at it. It’s a great
team, no individuals in it. It helped
with making friends.
Henry Grantham-Smith
What clubs and activities
do you do?
I really enjoy CCF at Seaford and
I was even given the chance to
study Japanese. I love art and
have really enjoyed my time in the
art block. I’ve loved performing
arts and taking part in Les
Misérables; Seaford gives you so
many opportunities.
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