Page 1 - NY Alpha News - Fall 2018
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                       new york alpha news

                                                                               NY Alpha Alumni Association • Cornell University

                 NY Alpha Concludes Agreement with Cornell and ΣAM,

                                                 Looks to Future

                            As noted in the last issue of the NY Alpha   completing the activities noted above will help bolster that claim.
                         News, Cornell is developing a large student   This, along with strong support from you, our alumni, and  ΣΑΕ
                         housing project on North Campus, which will   National, leaves me with a strong sense of optimism that we can
                         require the demolition of the house formerly   succeed in our quest to regain recognition and establish a strong
                         occupied by Sigma Alpha Mu (ΣΑΜ). The uni-  chapter on the Hill.
                         versity elected to use Hillcrest to house ΣΑΜ                                      Phi Alpha,
                         temporarily while a new permanent home is                                       Gus Noojin ’69
                         being found. Both the ΣΑΜ house and Hill-                      
                         crest are owned by the university.
           This summer Cornell, ΣΑΜ, and New York Alpha concluded an
        agreement covering temporary occupancy of Hillcrest by ΣΑΜ. The
        key provisions of the agreement are:
            •  The term is two years (2018-19 and 2019-20 academic years).
            • ΣΑΜ will maintain the house to the same standards as NY
              Alpha has.
            •  ΣΑΕ will occupy Hillcrest after successful recolonization.
            •  The NY Alpha Alumni Association will have access to Hillcrest   July 6, 2018

              Friday and Saturday of Reunion Weekend for alumni events.

            While this is not the outcome any of us would have preferred,   Augustus Y. Noojin III, President
        the agreement is a reasonable accommodation of each party’s   New York Alpha Alumni Association
                                                                  Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
        interests, and we are committed to making it work. (See Ryan Lom-    Dear Gus:
        bardi’s letter to me, at right.)
           With that behind us, we now look to the future. We will be   I write to thank you for your cooperation with the recent transitions involving 122 McGraw Place
                                                                  (Hillcrest). As you know, Cornell’s planned expansion of residential housing on north campus created a
        permitted to apply for recolonization again in the fall of 2020. We   pressing need for the temporary relocation of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. We will work diligently to find
                                                                  Sigma Alpha Mu a permanent new home so that Hillcrest will be available in anticipation of Sigma Alpha
        believe we have strong support from  ΣΑΕ National to apply at   Epsilon returning to the hill.
        the soonest opportunity. In the meantime, we are concentrating     I recognize and appreciate the history of Hillcrest and its meaningful connection to your alumni. Please
        on activities that will strengthen our application next time.  ΣΑΕ   know that the collaborative manner in which we have been able to work on this accommodation will be
                                                                  noted in future considerations.
        National has been proactively addressing the issues affecting not
        only ΣΑΕ but the Greek system nationwide (see related article on   On a more personal note, I have deeply enjoyed getting to know you and your sincere, thoughtful and
                                                                  committed approach to the future of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Please also extend my thanks to Hal Sieling
        page 3). These actions are producing results, and National has a   and Ron Skalko for their support and engagement.

        growing body of evidence demonstrating positive outcomes. Ron   I look forward to our continued conversations about the future. Sending all my best wishes to you and
        Skalko ’73 is developing a fund to honor the memory of George   your family for a peaceful summer.

        Desdunes  ’13  by  investing  in  programs  that  apply  the  lessons   Sincerely,
        learned from his passing. Dave Martin ’94 has taken on the task of
        defining a robust chapter-advising model for a new colony. Mike
        Slusar ’86 and his team continue to seek out and document best   Ryan Lombardi
        practices to be applied in a new colony.                  Vice President for Student & Campus Life
           I have positive relationships at multiple levels in the Cornell
        administration. I meet with these folks whenever I am on campus,
        and my message is: “We want to be part of the solution.” Successfully

                                                                                ✧  fall 2018
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