Page 2 - NY Alpha News - Fall 2018
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A VISION FOR George Desdunes Honored
EXCELLENCE.... On September
Stand With Us! 26, 2018, a plaque
honoring the memory
of George Desdunes
I’m happy to report that we had a suc-
cessful fundraising year in fiscal 2017-18, ’13 was dedicated
raising $76,000. We would like to thank our and hung in Cornell’s
first-time donors, our continuous donors, Office of Sorority and
and all donors who increased their gift Fraternity Affairs.
amount this year. Your support this year The ceremony was
allowed us to replace the much-needed attended by George’s
second-floor deck at Hillcrest. Thanks to mother, Marie Andre,
consistent support of the Hillcrest ΣΑΕ as well as Ryan Lom-
Development Fund, we have invested bardi (vice president,
over $1.5 million in improvements to student and campus
Hillcrest in the last seven years. This is one life) and Kent Hubble
key element supporting our proposal to (former dean of
recolonize. students).
If you haven’t been to Hillcrest
recently, you would be surprised at how
much of an impact these gifts have had
on the house. The new lake view lounge Facilities Improvements Slow Down
is an asset that brings the view from the
first floor to your eyes as soon as you Some of you are aware that we recently to move in. I’d like to report that all things
walk through the front door. The new had an unsuccessful bidding process for the committee planned for this project were
windows are at once an esthetic and prac- the basement rec room project that was completed, but they were not. The kitchen
tical improvement—one that was sorely scheduled for completion this year. By unsuc- was made operational, but the rest of the
needed for years. Finally, the new deck cessful I mean that all of the estimates were work was delayed until the Christmas break
substantially higher than anticipated. The
according to the latest schedule. On the
confirms even to skeptics that Hillcrest low bid was nearly $100,000 above the esti- bright side, all of the kitchen reassembly
has the best lake view in town. mate the team was working from, so we did work will be paid for by Cornell.
We do have other projects ahead that not start the project. Our viewpoint, which A few other facilities projects have also
we need to fund, which of course means is supported by facts, is that the contrac- been initiated. For example, two cotton-
that our fundraising need is continu- tors have moved their bids higher this year wood trees are going to be taken down on
ous. Hal’s facilities article at right presents because they could get away with it. Now the slope to eliminate the debris that results
a comprehensive accounting of projects that the North Campus project has been on the roof of the wing. The other potential
recently completed, soon to be com- given to someone out of the Ithaca area, we problem is the damage the branches would
pleted, and planned. With your continu- might expect better pricing next time. Only cause if they fell onto the house. Timing and
ous support, it can all be done. time will tell. the exact plan are being developed.
On behalf of the NY Alpha Alumni The facilities team has talked about some Also, a radon mitigation system will be
Association, I would like to thank each of parts of the project that could be modified to installed soon as required by positive test
get us nearer to our target, but no decisions
you for your continued interest, support, have been made yet. This does not mean we All projects above except for the kitchen
and donations of both time and treasure. will not face high bids next time but rather work were funded by generous donations
By naming the Hillcrest ΣΑΕ Development that there are some things we can control, from our New York Alpha alumni. Thank you
Fund as the designee of your next Cornell such as flooring, which can be done in a less so much for your continued support!
Fund donation, you can do your part to expensive but still acceptable way. Hal Sieling ’62
support our ongoing efforts and update Several things were done to make sure
our cherished home. Your tax-deductible the kitchen was operational in time for ΣΑΜ
gift supports both Cornell and ΣΑΕ and
will help us create a highly competitive,
first-class residential facility that will be A special shout-out to the class of ’53...
a standout among the other options on We extend an apology for our failure to include the class of 1953 in our August let-
campus. This is all part of our vision for ter mentioning reunion classes gathered at Hillcrest in June. We’re chagrined to have
excellence…please stand with us! missed noting that our oldest returning class celebrated its 65th reunion. In attendance
Ron Skalko ’73 were Bob Warner ’53, who led the charge, with Peter Fuller ’53 and wife Sue also in
Fundraising Chair attendance. Ron Skalko ’73
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