Page 3 - NY Alpha News - Fall 2018
P. 3

ΣΑΕ National on the Move

           During the last academic year, the  ΣΑΕ   seven days of each semester, during recruit-  parents of three students who died in alcohol-
        National Fraternity closed about half a dozen   ment activities as well as before, during,   related hazing incidents (none at ΣΑΕ). It was
        chapters for violations of  ΣΑΕ’s health and   and after final exams      very impactful and started some serious con-
        safety code. In each case, the  investigation   •  Only beer or wine (not to exceed 15% ABV) at   versation about the problem. The delegates
        was initiated by the fraternity, and provision   fraternity events, including ancillary houses   left with a mutual commitment to action. This
        for return was negotiated with the respective   and events involving parents or alumni  presentation was the centerpiece of National’s
        institution. As a result of these closures and a   You are encouraged to read the details at   program for National Hazing Prevention Week
        rash of serious incidents throughout the Greek   the  following  link:  (September 24-29).
        community, ΣΑΕ declared a moratorium on   next-steps.                     You are encouraged to watch at least the
        events with alcohol from December 2017 to                                 five-minute video at the following link:
        February 2018. They used this time to interact   It is noteworthy that:
        with thousands of brothers, alumni and oth-  •  These initiatives parallel those announced   love-mom-dad-educational-version/.
        ers, seeking to understand the problem and   by Cornell President Pollock.
        devise solutions.                    •  They were announced before Cornell’s   It is very moving. These actions are further
           In March 2018, the fraternity announced   initiatives.                 evidence that  ΣΑΕ fully acknowledges the
        initiatives in the areas of leadership, culture,   •  They are more restrictive in terms of the   issues affecting the Greek system nation-
        and environment. Some of the key provisions   definition of hard alcohol (15% ABV vs 30%).  wide—and that it is working proactively to be
        are:                                 •  They are more expansive by including ancil-  part of the solution. 
        •  Extending the reach of in-person educa-  lary houses (e.g., Collegetown).                        Phi Alpha,
          tional programs                       At the National Leadership Conference                    Gus Noojin ‘69
        •  A ban on alcohol at events during the first   this summer, the keynote speakers were the

                           ny alpha alumni news & notes

        After his email account was hacked,   A copy of the photo was sent to National   goes but has kept me from doing a lot
        Cal  Allen ’58  changed  his  email   and appeared on the cover of the May 1978   of the stuff I enjoy (like walking!). It put
        address: He can   ΣΑΕ Record. Bill also sent a copy of that   me in the hospital for a week this spring
        be reached by postal mail at P.O. Box 1602,   issue. The picture was also used on such   during our Florida ‘vacation’—where they
        Sisters, OR 97759. Cal and wife Marsha came   chapter materials as the brochures giving to   erroneously treated me for an infection. I
        back for his 60  reunion in June, staying   prospective brothers during rush. Bill also   would like to attend our 60  reunion (can
        with other ΣΑΕ brothers at Ron Demer’s   returned to Cornell and Hillcrest this past   it really be?) next June if the knee doesn’t
        (’59). “We truly had a fine time.”   June for his 60  reunion. Catch up with him   decide otherwise for me.” Cheer him on at
                                             at or 119 Penny or 7580 Portbury Park
        Bill Standen ’58 sent this original color   Creek Dr., Bluffton, SC 29909.  Lane, Suwannee, GA 30024.
        photo (below, right) of Hillcrest taken
        from FIJI by the late George Bullwinkel   “I have been kind of ‘on the shelf’ this flying   Hal Sieling ’62 writes, “Like the rest of you,
        ’58. George was a man of many interests,   season with a knee issue,” reports Dick   I am not happy about the state of our situa-
        including flying, photography, and Alfa   Hyde ’59, who continues his hobby of   tion, particularly as it applies to occupancy
        Romero automobiles. He would love    being a passenger in World War II planes on   by ΣAM. That simply puts us down another
        the current Alfa TV commercials with a   display around the country. “Some damned   rung on the ladder of optimism. However, I
        voice-over of an Italian woman warning   bone in my right knee failed to fuse with   am hopeful that we can learn to deal with
        the viewer to prepare to be seduced by   the patella 80 years ago and decided to   it in a manner that is good for both ΣΑΕ &
        the Stelvio, Giuila, or Quadrifoglio models.   act up this year. The problem comes and   ΣAM for the next two years.” Hal makes his
                                                                                      home at 7657 Galleon Way, Carlsbad,
                                                                                      CA 92009;
                                                                                      We recently heard from Steve Klein
                                                                                      ’77, who enjoyed a meal with Paul
                                                                                      Hayden ’77 several months ago in Ann
                                                                                      Arbor. “Had not seen Paul since our
                                                                                      graduation year—40-plus years ago!”
                                                                                      They were joined by Phi Gam alum Joe
                                                                                      Bruce ’77, whom Steve reconnected
                                                                                      with at the 2017 Cornell Reunion. Drop
                                                                                      Steve a note at
                                                                                      or 171 S. Lincoln Blvd., Battle Creek, MI
               Class of ’58 alumni John Denniston, Bob   Original color photo of Hillcrest taken by the   49015.
        Reinhard, and Brian Elmer (left to right) at Reunion.   late George Bullwinkel ’58.         (continued on next page)

        fall 2018                                                                                           page three
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