Page 2 - Phi Dleta Theta Cornell - Fall 2018
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The house has been looking great. We lower lot fixed as well. Thanks to a very goal as previous years: increasing in-
started off the year with 16 brothers generous donation from Mr. Bartels ’71, house numbers. Last year, by offering
living in the house, with an additional we were able to get a new projector in- a slight discount to older brothers, we
brother joining us a couple weeks in. Due stalled in our library, turning it into an were able to get more upperclassmen
to the low numbers, everyone currently excellent place for presentations and to live in. This year we have set a goal to
has a single room, which they have been general schoolwork. Brothers are cur- have 10 people to sign leases before the
loving. Brothers bought a dart board for rently discussing the idea of taking the spring semester, which should be easily
the shields room, making it a great place initiative to spearhead their own proj- attainable with seven fall Phikeia. With
for us to hang out and relax after a hard ects in order to help improve the house. a large pledge class in the spring, hope-
day’s work. Hopefully, the house becomes more fully we should be looking at a full house
uniquely Phi as brothers turn these before long.
The stairs right outside the kitchen are ideas into reality.
currently being renovated and we are Michael Zhang
looking to get the stairway up from the Once again, we have the same the same House Manager
NYA CHAPTER REMAINS CORRESPONDENCE EDITOR your time at Cornell or from activities
ON BUDGET IN 2018 (continued from page 1) off campus that you’d like to share with
and to ensure that all brothers have us, please send me an email at the ad-
The 2018 year has been successful a welcoming place to call home. The dress provided below.
financially year for the NYA Chapter NYAEFI supports the academic mission
of Phi Delta Theta. This year we are of the brotherhood by providing the As always, if you are in town, please be
proud to have seven Phikeia for the tools necessary to excel in the rigorous sure to stop by the fraternity house and
fall semester. Last year, we finished Cornell coursework. see all the exciting improvements that
on-budget and added numerous im- have been made over the years.
provements to the fraternity house, Additionally, we continue to
including our dining hall and bath- build content for our website: Thank you again for your support and
rooms, which have made the house This we look forward to many more exciting
even better. We also began a major will improve delivery of The Cayugan, al- updates to come.
construction project to fix one of the low alumni to easily update their infor-
walkways to the kitchen. mation, and help everyone stay more Yours in the Bond,
connected with the activities within the Andrew D. Bridson
It has been a pleasure serving with this chapter. If you have any pictures from
year’s executive board. They continue
to exemplify great leadership qualities
when leading the house. Going into NYA THRIVES are moving into Collegetown, and a lot
next semester, our financial goals are (continued from page 1) more sophomores have been coming
to fill the house to maximum capacity The changing climate at Cornell has out for recruitment rather than fresh-
and recruit a pledge class of at least been something of a challenge for all men. Just recently, Sigma Alpha Mu
16. Having a large pledge class gives fraternities, but I can say that New York moved houses because Cornell is plan-
us enormous flexibility to hold more Alpha is well ahead of the curve. The ning on building more dorms on North
events for next year. first major change relates to initiatives Campus, which would require students
put in place by Cornell President Mar- to live on campus their freshman and
The NYA Chapter of Phi Delta Theta tha Pollack, which have addressed hard sophomore years. However, in this new
is in fantastic financial standing and I liquor in chapter houses, live-in advi- requirement, chapter houses will be
am positive we will have a great year in sors, and officers living in the house. The included in the Cornell-affiliated hous-
the remainder of 2018 and going into most interesting change of the three ing, meaning it should be easier for us
2019. was the requirement that at least four to keep in-house numbers high in the
upper-class officers have to live in the future.
Brandt Thrower house, and the position of president and
Treasurer vice president have to be held by juniors I am extremely excited to continue
or seniors. working on our future goals, and look-
You can help us retain the current ing forward to a great spring semester!
financial standing by making a donation Additionally, we have had difficulty with
to the New York Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta people living in the house for several Andrew Petterson
Theta. See the enclosed gift form or visit! years, due to a trend where more people Chapter President
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