Page 3 - Phi Dleta Theta Cornell - Fall 2018
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T      H       A N K                          Y       O U             !

                                 THE NEW YORK ALPHA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, INC.
                                        HONOR ROLL OF DONORS

               NEW YORK ALPHA                      RESTORATION AND                        Robert C. Simpson ’64
                                                                                            Clark D. Smith ’88
                 ASSOCIATION                    MAINTENANCE SUPPORT                        Craig T. Standen ’87
                  ($1,000 or more)                       ($51 - $249)                      Scott R. Stewart ’77
                   Jay A. Keller ’62                 Stephen W. Adams ’65                   Arthur T. Taft ’75
                 Lester B. Knight III ’81             H. Clifton Ames III ’62                Brian A. Voss ’02
                 George F. Medill III ’63             James H. Anders ’74                    David L. Way ’96
                                                     Marcus L. Arredondo ’03              Kenton Craig Wood ’83
                 BUILDING FUND                      George B. Atkinson III ’90
                                                     Jonathan D. Bellante ’06
                   ($500 - $999)                      Robert M. Boone ’70                  ANNUAL DUES
                  David R. Brining ’64             David Reece Broderdorf ’04                 (Up to $50)
                  David C. Dunn ’80                  John M. Burlingame ’77                Robert A. Agnew ’63
                 Michael A. Gibson ’65                 Glenn P. Davis ’75                  Manuel Alvarez Jr. ’02
                George H. Hancher ’60                William D. Dickinson ’60                Peter H. Bell ’86
                 Andrew R. McGaan ’83                 Scott W. Fowkes ’85                Richard A. Brockelman ’56
                Robert D. Petersen ’52                 Ferris G. Gorra ’64                William A. Burston ’63
                                                    Christopher L. Graham ’70               James A. Christ ’83
                SPECIAL PROJECT                     Ridgely W. Harrison III ’74           Edward M. Christian ’11
                                                                                           Bernie J. Daigle Jr. ’02
                                                      Bruce J. Haupt Jr. ’80
                   LEADERSHIP                        Douglas A. Hayward ’79               Bradley T. Hanpeter ’80
                   ($250 - $499)                       Allen A. Hinman ’64                  Kerry Heubeck ’65
                Edward S. Barclay Jr. ’65            Lawrence H. Hughes ’65                Michael H. Horner ’58
                 Charles S. Ferrell ’71                Stephen F. Kirk ’71                William F. Mahoney ’51
                 Stanley E. Kolbe Jr. ’76            Philip D. Matheson ’57               Richard G. Rutledge ’55
                   Peter E. Lee ’63                 Raymond E. Meagher Jr. ’57            Rolland L. Schlick Jr. ’65
                James W. Montanari ’68                  R. Alan Miller ’70                 Daniel C. Tomson ’87
                  Carlos M. Rossi ’81                  Peter A. Rogers ’86                Charles C. Wallace Jr. ’75
                  John L. Wheeler ’72

                                This honor roll reflects gifts received between July 1, 2017, and November 7, 2018.
                               This list does not include donors to the NYAEFI. Those are acknowledged separately.


        This fall, I have the opportunity to be  being  welcomed.  Within  the pledging  first place. Through one-on-one conver-
        the Phikeia educator here at New York  process, we are making a specific effort  sations with brothers, the hope is that
        Alpha. We were fortunate enough to  to emphasize taking responsibility both  the Phikeia will learn how the values of
        pick up seven new Phikeia who are doing  in the context of the fraternity and its  the fraternity are being lived out.
        a great job integrating into the broth-  operations, but also in their positions in
        erhood, especially the newly initiated  classes and jobs.                 It continues to be a great pleasure guid-
        brothers of Beta Nu.                                                      ing the integration of the Phikeia into
                                             Additionally, the  Phikeia  have been  the fraternity. I am beyond excited to
        While the new members are clearly  tasked with personally reaching out to  see what Beta Xi will accomplish and
        driven to scholastic and career excel-  members of the initiated brotherhood  what great Phis they will become.
        lence, they have each demonstrated a  in  attempts  to  kindle  new  relation-
        bright dedication to the fraternity and  ships or deepen the connections that                     Jonathan Ho
        the brotherhood  into which they are  brought them to Phi Delta Theta in the                Beta Lambda 1986

                                                                                               3           FALL 2018
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