Page 3 - Kai from Pi - Fall 2016
P. 3

News & Notes


                              Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Victor Lu.
                              From the hometown of Granger, Indiana, Victor is in his senior
                              year now, working toward his degree in finance with a math mi-
                              nor. Victor is an outstanding young man and a phenomenal se-
                              nior leader. He is involved in the Investment Banking Workshop
                              in Kelley and has committed to work for an investment banking
                              firm in Chicago as of last year. In addition to leading by ex-
                              ample in his ambitions and studies, he currently serves the Pi
                              Chapter as the academic chairman and has made great strides
                              to improve the academic support system within our house. Victor
                              is also part of the IFC Standards Board, and works as a business   Victor providing tutoring assistance to a new pledge
                              technology teaching assistant. Aside from a recent internship at   member.
                              William Blair and Co. as an investment banking summer analyst,
                              Victor enjoys basketball, skiing, tennis, and fitness and exercise.  provided analytical and functional support on various
                                                                                   M&A  transactions.  The  experience  proved  to  be
     What led you to join the chapter?      financial crisis had struck, and every day brought new   incredibly valuable, and I am excited to return as full-
      I was initially encouraged to rush by several friends   indications its effects: storefronts being shuttered, for-  time employee upon graduation
     already initiated into Beta. They spoke highly of the   sale signs springing up throughout the neighborhood,
     chapter’s values, the strength of the brotherhood, and   my  father  monitoring  his  retirement  savings  with   Outside of school what do you do for fun?
     the standard of excellence upheld by the brothers in all   consternation, etc. I quickly realized that the activities   I  enjoy  staying  physically  active  by  playing
     aspects of their lives. I became convinced that joining   of the financial industry, while often inscrutable, affect   basketball, tennis, and lifting weights - our house is
     such a group would make me a better man. As a senior   lives on a very real level. Given the enormous impact   conveniently  located  within  a  one  minute  walking
     now, I can undoubtedly say that joining Beta was one of   the  field  has  on  broader  society,  I  soon  decided  to   distance of the campus recreation center. Lots of the
     the best decisions I’ve made. The men I am constantly   pursue finance as a career.  brothers in the house are also avid fans of various HBO
     surrounded  by  and live with push me to succeed in   What would you like to do with your degree?  series - Game of Thrones and Westworld, to name a
     the classroom, to pursue meaningful involvement on   This past summer, I worked in Chicago for William   few. On Sunday nights, one can usually find a group of
     campus, and to conduct myself in a manner befitting a   Blair  and  Company,  an  investment  banking  firm.  I   us in front a television, deeply engrossed in the newest
     true gentlemen. I am humbled and honored to have had                          episode.
     the good fortune of being part of such a brotherhood.
     When did you develop an interest in Finance?    Connect with Us!                Find us on Facebook!
      My interest in finance can be traced to my early high   visit us online at     search for
     school years, a time when I first began paying attention           Beta Theta Pi—Indiana University
     to and understanding (somewhat) current events. The

                                   105  BETA CONCLAVE IN PHOTOS

                                            IN Chamber Moderator Mike Huber, Tom Hirons
                                            ’73, president Hirons Marketing, and David Bowen,
                                            computer link with K - 8 Education.    L-R: Lee Lurton (IU’64), Jonathon Brandt (Miami
                                                                                   ’75), and Fred Pfenninger (IU ’71) strike a pose.
       Warm room of Beta Members listen up on
       Technology, Opportunity & Future!
                                                                                                         L-R: Nick
                                                                                                         McCormick ’06
                              Beta District                                                              and Alex Shortle
                              Advisor                                                                    ’06, 10 years
                              Adam Collins                                                               after, founding
                              & Charles                                                                  Fathers pledge
                              McCormick ’72.
                                                                                                         class Indiana Pi!
                                             L-R: Aaron Smith ’08, Ryan Goode’09, and Nick
                                             McCormick ’06.

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