Page 4 - Kai from Pi - Fall 2016
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ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: CHARLES CHAMNESS ’85 (continued from page 1)

     still love it as every day is different and we have an   raised more than $100 million during my three years as
     important role at the intersection of a highly regulated   chair. My term ended in June.
     industry  and  government.  I  still              What type of volunteer work are
     travel  to  D.C.  most  months,  but  I           you doing for SBF now?
     live in Indianapolis, where NAMIC’s                 I  still  shave  every  year  and  our
     headquarters  has  been  for  100                 team  in  Indianapolis,  Joey’s  Team
     years. I started here in 1995 as vice             – Bald is Beautiful, has raised more
     president – public affairs after Briget           than  $1  million  over  12  years.  Not
     and I decided it was a good time to               surprisingly, Joey, a nine-time shavee,
     move from D.C. with our two young                 is now Pi Chapter’s philanthropy chair
     kids. After we arrived, we had twins,             and is looking at bringing St. B’s to
     Robbie  and  Joey ’19,  in  1996.  One            Beta. Several other Betas have shaved
     cool fact I just learned this year is that        – Dan McQuilkin ’86 is a regular –
     NAMIC’s president, who served from                and many Betas have been generous
     1947-1960, Harry Cooper Jr. ’36, was              financial  contributors  over  my  years
     also a Pi Chapter Beta.                           of shaving, none more generous than   The Chamness family (pictured left to right) Briget,
                                                                                    Chuck, Joey, Sally, Charlie and Robbie.
     When did you become involved   Joey and Chuck in 2005 St.   Charlie  Richardson  ’72.  For  more
     with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation?   Baldrick’s Poster.  on  our  event:  brothers today?
      In early 2005, Joey was diagnosed                com/watch?v=VOFQHpg-5HI   To   Many of us are still in close touch today. Kent Webb
     with osteosarcoma, a bone tumor, in his femur. He had   contribute:  ’85 and Joe Greenlee ’85 came to the lake in July, and
     to  have  multiple  surgeries  and  chemotherapy.  I  will   mypage/804990/2016.  I see Dave Brinker ’85 regularly.  Members of our
     never forget that when Briget and I were in the waiting   Outside of work, what do you do for fun?  pledge  class  should  be  on  notice  that  we’re  talking
     room at Memorial Sloan Kettering while Joey had a   Another legacy of Moto and the Morrises is love   about having a reunion next year.  -Kai- brothers!
     14-hour surgery to remove the tumor and reconstruct   of  Lake  Wawasee.  We  bought  a  place  there  a  few
     his leg, Joe Greenlee ’85 walked in unannounced. Joe,   years ago, and I really enjoy spending time there in   CHAPTER ETERNAL
     a heart surgeon, had canceled his own schedule and   the summers with the many Betas who are also at the
     flown in for the day to support us. Fortunately, Joey   lake. In fact, Dan Kiley ’83 is just six houses away.   It is with great sadness that we share the news of
     did very well and is a healthy 19-year-old today. When   For nearly 20 years in the winter months we’ve had a   the loss of the following Pi Brothers:
     he was diagnosed, I learned about the St. Baldrick’s   weekly platform tennis group that includes Dan Morris   Norman Eggers ’42
     Foundation through an industry publication as it had   ’86, Garth McClain ’86, and Dan McQuilkin ’86.
     recently been founded by three insurance execs to raise                                 Charles E. Oswald ’43
     money  for  children’s  cancer  research.  St.  Baldrick’s   Both of your sons joined Beta – how has that helped   James D. Havens ’46
     signature event is for people to raise money by shaving   you bond on a new level?      Frank B. Throop ’47
     their heads, which has the added benefit of showing   I’m just lucky. Lucky that they were interested and   Howard Gilliom ’49
     empathy  for  kids  who  lose  their  hair  as  a  result  of   lucky that Beta is still the best house at IU. I feel very   George F. Heighway Jr. ’54
     chemo treatment. When I shaved for the first time in   fortunate to have seven more years of exposure to Beta
     2005, the foundation raised $5 million for research. I   through Charlie and Joey and to see them develop the   John D. Downer ’58
     joined the board in 2009 and was chairman from 2013-  bonds we all did during our undergraduate years.   Stephen Foster Jr. ’58
     2016. Since 2005, the foundation has given more than   How do you stay in touch with your fraternity   Gregory Dils ’71
     $200 million in pediatric cancer research grants, and we

                     Alumni communication services provided by Elevate   |  |  770-903-3987  |           @elevateims  ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED  Atlanta, GA 30366  P.O. Box 80828  Alumni Relations Office  Indiana University  Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
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