Page 1 - Theta Chi - Georgia Tech - Summer 2018
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Alpha Nu Building Association of Theta Chi, Inc.  |  Summer 2018  |  Georgia Institute of Technology
                                      Alumni Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |


                               an alumni spotlight

     Editor’s Note:  For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on two Alpha Nu
     Brothers that have recently returned to the Atlanta area: Dan Weaver and Barry Johnson. Barry
     relocated back to Atlanta this year. He attended the 1980/81 pledge class reunion event and came
     out for our recent annual meeting.  Dan is a regular for the Tachi golf outing and has bought
     GT football tickets in our 48 seat block. We are thrilled to have both Dan and Barry back to the
     house and hive!

          Dr. Dan Weaver ’81  and his wife Beth   tie required, I had to borrow clothes from about   DAN W.
         recently moved back to Georgia after six years   four different people and needed help tying my tie
         of living in the Boston area. He is currently   because I’d never had one on before. I probably   WEAVER ’81
     working for Exide Technologies as the director of   looked like I’d dressed at the Salvation Army.
     process engineering.  Dan’s new job opportunity   How do you stay in touch with your fellow Alpha
     came along after 29 years with Cabot Corporation.   Nu brothers today?
     The idea of relocating came due to their kids and   Stan Thomas ’81 has an email distribution and
     friends living in the Atlanta area. As an active   keeps us all informed of important news and events.
     chapter member, Dan served as secretary and kitchen
     steward. Today, he stays in touch with his alumni   After graduation, why did you choose to pursue
     brothers at the Tachi Golf Classic and regularly   a PhD?
     received the man-mile award, a title he is happy to   I worked in the oil industry in Chicago for three
     see retire. In his free time, Dan enjoys spending time   years. I found that with a bachelor’s degree, you’re
     with his family: Michael, Courtney, and John.  mostly given work by more experienced engineers. I
     What are some of your favorite memories from   always liked the technical aspects of engineering and
                                            wanted more influence over what I worked on, so a
     your active days?                      PhD seemed like the best route to achieving this. I
      I was a kid from the Oregon coast, a long way
     from  Georgia. What  I  really  enjoyed was  getting   had thought about going to a west coast school, but
                                            none had openings, so I called the school director
     to know people from other parts of the U.S. with   at Tech to see if he could help. By chance he had   BARRY A.
     backgrounds different than mine. For the pledge   a fully-funded project and asked if I could start the
     Sunday lunch at Stone Mountain, with jacket and   following Monday!            JOHNSON ’84
                                            Which achievements in your career are you most
                                            proud of?
                                              I was with Cabot for nearly 30 years in a variety   those with more experience but don’t be afraid to
                                            of roles and locations, including Europe for most of   ask questions and challenge the status quo. There
                                            the 90’s. There were ups and downs, but mostly I   are no shortcuts, and the easy way is rarely the best
                                            was successful and, in the end, I can look back on   way. Be honest with yourself and others about your
                                            many important contributions to the organization.    strengths and weaknesses—we all have them. Avoid
                                            Recently I took a chance and moved to a new   complacency and don’t be afraid to take risks and
                                            company in a different far, so good.  try something new, particularly early in your career.
                                            What advice can you give the alumni and actives
      Dan with family and friends at the Peachtree   about being a successful leader?    Barry Johnson ’84  and his wife Gayle
                   Road race.                 Learn your job from the ground up and listen to   relocated to Atlanta with their family in April
                                                                                       from Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his company

                                         Join us for the Theta Chi 37th Annual Golf
                                         Tournament, “The Tachi Classic,” benefitting
    TACHI GOLF CLASSIC                   the Alpha Nu Building Association. The Event
                                         will be held at Bradshaw Farms Golf Course—
    AUGUST 18, 2018                      one of the Top 10 Public Courses in Georgia.
    7:30 a.m. arrival time               Contact Stan Thomas ’81 for registration
    8:30 a.m. shotgun start
                                         information at
                                         The deadline for registration is Wednesday,
    3030 Bradshaw Club Drive             August 8, at midnight.                              Barry and wife Gayle.
    Woodstock, GA 30188.
    Contact by phone at (770) 592-2246.                      See more events on page 3!                 (continued on page 4)
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