Page 2 - Theta Chi - Georgia Tech - Summer 2018
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Chapter News
From the Chapter President Activators, and those who advocate are leaders in
the Georgia Tech community in the area of mental
health awareness. Additionally, I am proud to
Brothers, announce that we won Greek Week and, for the first
time in many years, placed first in both the Greek
Sing and philanthropy competitions—achievements
As I write this, I am pleased which greatly reflect the strength of the brotherhood
to announce that we have at this time.
finished a successful semester I am confident that the chapter will continue this
as a chapter. We initiated our upward trend and continue to improve in all aspects
spring 2018 pledge class and of the fraternity through the fall semester.
are excited to welcome our six
newest members. We recently Thank you,
implemented a new bidding
process to become more precise in our recruitment
effort and tested a new pledge process designed to Aarij Abbas
enhance the quality of interactions between pledges Chapter President
and brothers. Both measures are expected to improve A brotherhood photo at Greek Week.
the quality of the pledge process and the chapter as
a whole. We are expecting to have between 70 and
75 active brothers for the fall, and are aiming for an
additional 18-20-person pledge class.
During the spring semester, I am proud to say
we made a positive impact on the Georgia Tech
community. We partnered with Fulton County
Animal Services to host a dog adoption event at
our house, as well as a dog walking event on the
Beltline. We also hosted a suicide prevention QPR
training session and we plan to host more events in
the area of mental health and safety in the future. The human pyramid team, which placed Brothers Carlos Aldrete and Max Rafferty accept
We have had multiple brothers trained as Well-Being second during Greek Week. Congrats, men! the Greek Week 1st Place Trophy.
What have you enjoyed most as an active chapter biology; the human body has always fascinating
member? to me. I chose my major and minor combination
The community that comes with being a part of a because it not only allows for me to pursue my
close-knit brotherhood. Living at the house, there is passions, but to potentially enter a field where I can
always something to do and people to hang out with. apply a technical education towards these interests.
Being a part of this fraternity and living together How would you like to apply your degree after
with my brothers has really made me feel like I have graduation?
a second home here at Georgia Tech instead of it just After graduation I would like to work for a
being a school. company that operates in the biotechnology field.
How has the position on health and safety Specifically in drug development and discovery or
changed during your time at school? a related field. Something that allows me to work
Up until recently, I feel as if most people’s first with gene therapy or genetic editing would also
thoughts regarding help and safety related to physical be a possibility. Eventually I would like to return
JUSTIN wellness, i.e. risk management at parties, nutritional to school and pursue an advanced degree in either
GOVEAS undeniably important and are core components well as an MBA.
habits, alcohol and drug safety. While these are chemical engineering or biomedical engineering as
of health and safety, there is more to health than
just physical wellness. The mental, emotional, and
Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as spiritual aspects are often overlooked due to their
Spotlight is rising senior Justin Goveas. Hailing intangibility—but they are just as important as the
from Flemington, New Jersey, Justin is working physical side, making up the “pillars of Health and
towards a degree with a major in chemical Wellness.” To me, all pillars are equally important
engineering and minor in biomedical engineering. and must receive the same amount of focus in order
Justin has done a remarkable job within the vice to create a culture and environment that is conducive
president of health and safety position in the last to good health. This is something I strive to impress
year. Georgia Tech has recently taken multiple on both brotherhood and throughout campus as
initiatives in the arena of mental health and VPHS. Slowly but surely our culture is shifting.
wellness and, thanks to Justin, the chapter is Outside of school, what do you do for fun?
becoming an example for the Greek community I like to keep things varied. Eating out at different
to follow in this area. Justin also serves on the restaurants around Atlanta with friends is probably
Mental Health Student Coalition (exec board, my favorite go-to activity. I also enjoy playing soccer,
professional services liaison co-chair); GT Well both pick-up and in a competitive league, hanging
Being Activators (student executive leader), out around the chapter house’s pool, and enjoying
and For the Kids organization at Georgia Tech the student life of Tech’s Greek community.
(Institute Impact Committee). His internship
experience includes electronics marketing and What inspired you to pursue your field of study? Justin at RA training with the Georgia Tech
prototyping at Porex Corporation. I have always been interested in chemistry and swim team coach.