Page 2 - The Cayugan - Summer 2019
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NYA ChApter presideNt sees Upside to Greek hoUse MANAGer:
life reforMs ChApter ANd hoUse oN
the UpswiNG After A
This year was the first full year where Finally, in the coming years, Cornell ChAlleNGiNG YeAr
Cornell President Martha Pollack’s will be implementing a policy that
reforms were in effect. Last newslet- students have to live on campus for This year, we were off to a rough start
ter I introduced them, but the main their freshmen and sophomore years, with low in-house numbers, which is a
ones to follow were having an in-house instead of having the option to live trend we have seen in past years as well.
advisor, and no alcohol over 30 percent off campus sophomore year. I believe However, I believe we are finally starting
ABV. Every year we have had a graduate this reform will help us both increase to turn around that trend.
advisor live in the house, but usually it recruitment and in-house numbers, as
[ the country are changing quite rapidly, but I believe we are do- [ Next year, we will have 20 undergradu-
“Overall, we are at a time when the fraternity systems around
ate brothers in the house, with 10 com-
ing from the most recent pledge class.
ing a good job staying within the lines and playing by the rules,
house, we will have a graduate advisor
and in the end we will come out ahead.” In addition to the undergraduates in the
living in: Peter Smet from the class of
has been a recently graduated brother, fraternities are considered on campus
one year removed from the rest of the housing, which will hopefully make In terms of house improvement, small
fraternity. This year we will align more more students consider Greek life as improvements have been made all
with the reforms, having an older live an option to find a community rather around the house, such as replacing
in advisor who is returning for his mas- than living in dorms. old windows. In addition, Housing Corp.
ter’s degree. has been actively working with Ithaca’s
Overall, we are at a time when the fra- historical society to get repairs on the
Other trends that have been seen ternity systems around the country are outside of the house approved, which
across campus were that overall changing quite rapidly, but I believe we should be made in the coming semester
recruitment numbers were down, with are doing a good job staying within the if all goes well.
around 200 fewer participants than lines and playing by the rules, and in the
the previous year. However, this was end we will come out ahead. I am look- Finally, as the weather warms up, we will
countered with only a slight drop in ing forward to more good semesters be adding onto the new projector and
the number of them actually signing and overcoming whatever challenges sound system in the library to include
bids. This was mainly driven by the fact may come our way. I will be replaced outdoor hook-ups, so music can be
that freshmen were required to attend by Saul Bernaber as our new president enjoyed by the barbecue. We are looking
orientations the previous semester. I and I know he has some great things forward to another great semester and
think this especially hurt us, because planned for this fraternity. to keep improving in house numbers.
we tend to attract those who are on Everest Yan will be following in my steps
the fence about Greek life going into Yours in the Bond, as the next house manager.
the rush process, and this year there Andrew Petterson ’20 Michael Zhang
were not as many of those students.
NYA treAsUrer: eMphAsiziNG trANspAreNCY ANd
Good fiNANCiAl prACtiCes
I plan to work closely with the accoun- plan on tracking our financial standing
tant to ensure we are in good financial closely with the intent of replenishing
standing throughout the year and to reserve accounts without needing
set strong precedent for good finan- to cut back on planned spending for
cial practices moving forward. By work- brotherhood or social activities.
ing closely with our usual partners, I
Daniel Kusky
sUMMer 2019 2