Page 4 - The Cayugan - Summer 2019
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AlUMNi News
We regret to report the deaths of:
h. Clifton Ames iii ’62 writes, “Rita in Concord, New Hampshire.] Get in touch william d. knauss ’45
and I shared the annual Reedville with John at PO Box 187, Wallowa, OR June 18, 2018
Fishermen’s Museum Oyster Roast this 97885 or
last November. A real small fishing vil- robert e. sanson ’48
lage event. richard (’64) and Marcia peter Behrle ’73 wrote in December, March 13, 2018
feliciano were our guests. During the “Living in New Jersey with my wife, Gina. peter d. tyler ’60
winter, we have one or two oyster roasts Spend a lot of time with our kids Bill, 37, october 23, 2018
each month.” Catch up with him at 94 and Allison, 31. In the last two years, I roy A. Naylor ’69
Cherry Tree Lane, Reedville, VA 22539 or was fortunate to reacquaint with steve July 30, 2018 whitman ’73 (we both have homes in
Amelia Island, Florida), and dave (’73) ridgely “Chip” harrison iii
John B. Baker ’64 writes, “Living on my and Dee paddock. Steve, our wives, April 22, 2019
wife’s and my ranch in northeast Oregon, and I have been celebrating New Year’s
Wallowa County, riding, fishing and Eve together. This past August, Chip
hunting after retiring from Issaquah, harrison ’74 joined us at Steve’s lake Manuel p. “Blackjack” Alvaraz ’02
Washington, in 2003. Is doug Young house in Gananoque, Canada [see photo writes, “Erica and I took the boys and
’62 still standing? Was my big brother below]. I’m grateful for the time spent our parents to Italy last summer. We sur-
from Rye, New York.” [Editor’s note: Our with him as he passed away unexpect- vived the long haul with our 10-month-
most recent records, from 2017, have him edly in April. More Phi Delt brothers old and I suspect wine played a large
who lost touch attended his role. I still live in the Bay Area and am
funeral and we were able to in my fifth year at Affirm, which feels
support each other through more like 35 given the start-up dog
the difficult mourning pro- years phenomenon. Hope everyone is
cess. I am looking forward happy and well.” Write to him at 1418
to hearing from other Reliez Valley Rd., Lafayette, CA 94549 or
brothers.” Get in touch with
him at 280 Main St., Unit
407, Little Falls, NJ 07424 or VisiT our websiTe:
Christian “Chris” dorr ’85 give to the chapter
writes, “After 34 years of find contact information
full-time work, I decided see past editions of the newsletter
to retire early (56) to enjoy
full-time sports and part-
time volunteering. Anyone
in the Phoenix area, look me
up (from October through
May). YITB.” Reach him at
27113 N. 130th Dr., Peoria, Scan the link above using your smart
AZ 85383. phone to go directly to the site!
The strength of this newsletter depends, in part, on alumni
news. Keep your brothers up-to-date on what’s happening
in your life and how to best reach you! Please take a few
Steven Whitman ’73, Ridgely “Chip” Harrison III ’74, Peter moments to fill out and return the enclosed news form.
Behrle ’73, and David Paddock ’73.
Please visit to make an online gift.
sUMMer 2019 4
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